An alternative to Poser Cloth Room (aside from DCC plugin)

Among all these cool innovations I have seen in the newest DAZ Studio versions, I see one big flaw - so far DAZ Studio lacks the very important tool - an analogue of Poser Cloth Room, which would give us an ability to work with dynamic clothes, made not only by Optitex, but with regular conforming clothes and with custom-made clothing meshes, made in more popular software like Marvelous Designer or 3DMax etc. I understand that DCC (Dynamic Clothing Control) is a nice tool too, but it works only with Optitex clothing, while most users like me prefer conforming clothes or the very self-made dynamic clothing from MD or Max, Blender and any other widely available application. Sometimes even the best of conforming clothing fails after posing, gives distortions or poke-throughs, which can be fixed only in external modelers - or I had to export this clothing item to Poser, when after Cloth room I can get a morph for the posed item. Both ways are very frustrating and time-consuming, the more Poser Cloth Room in latest Poser versions became a bit buggy and slow-working. And for me its Cloth Room is the only reason now to keep it installed on my disk.
So it would be an invaluable improvement if the team of DAZ gave us any plugin like DCC, but able to to the job of Poser Cloth Room, working with meshes of any kind and any origin - regular quads, triangular etc. Especially if that plugin will also support rigid and soft decorated groups and fitting clothes to morphed figures. The users who like DCC and Optitex clothing, will use and buy this clothing as before, but the other part of people will get an ability to enjoy the clothes they have bought fully within DAZ Studio instead of struggling with distortions and seeking a way to fix them. As far as I know, Poser Cloth Room is based on the very old tool, named Cloth Reyes - I believe in our days there a lot of better alternatives to this algorithm or at least a lot of its analogues. Recently I found one of such possible alternatives for Poser - VWD Cloth and Hair python plugin, made by Virtual World Dynamics and available at Renderosity as demo-version here - This tool allows to clothify not only clothing but hair and jewelry too, there is a channel on Youtube showing how it works in animations - I tested this tool in Poser and can say it's amazing and really better and faster than Cloth room, but so far the author keeps working over the application and the stable release will appear later. But as he said once, he can make such plugin not only for Poser, but for DAZ Studio and Carrara too, because mainly it is the standalone application, Poser need just Python scripts to connect with it. So I dream of a day when I see in DAZ Studio something like this - either this VWD plugin or any other with similar functionality, because then DAZ Studio will turn into a full-fledged studio, good not only for rendering but for full animations with dynamic clothing and hair, and I hope I will never need any additional "crutches" to work with it. I hope the DAZ Studio team will listen to this users' request.
I wonder if Daz worry that they would lose out by providing something like this. I'm one who buys dynamics but rarely other stuff. If I could dynamicify it, I would buy some items i completely ignore.