G2-Male head translated after BVH Import
Having recently received my Perception Neuron mocap suit I have been learning how to bring those motion files into DAZ Studio. The Bone Mapping I am using is as follows:
a. SPINE 3 -----> CHEST
I have tested the above mapping with DAZ’ Genesis, Genesis 2 Female, Genesis 2 Male, Genesis 3 Female and Genesis 3 Male characters.
The only problem observed so far is with the GENESIS 2 MALE character, for some unexplained reason his head gets translated down along the green Y axis, parameter setting to -87.22, when it should actually be set to zero (0). This head translation occurs in each frame/keyframe. I tried this on two different computers and get the same results.
It appears that something is not quite right with the DAZ BVH importer for G2-Male. If anyone knows why this is happening please post. Thanks!
Not sure what is going on here, but I'd be happy to take a look. Same as the other thread - could you post the BVH somewhere so we can take a peek? I am interested in hearing about your experiences with the suit, too.
- Greg
The BVH file was posted to my other thread.
As for the Perception Neuron suit I am very impressed so far. Wireless full motion capture, including hands, for a reasonable price is pretty cool. After only a couple of uses one thing that I am not completely thrilled with is that even with 9 sensors per glove (7-on fingers consisting of 2-thumb, 2-index, 1-ea. for rest) the fine movements of the human hand are still no match. You can get a general sense of the hand motion but grasping, touching, etc. will have to be done in post.
The other main complaint among users is that PN recommends removing the neuron sensors after each use and stored in their special magnetic resisting metal containers. With 30+ sensors, putting them in and out of their sockets before and after each use is a real drag, particularly when some of the neurons get stuck in their socket. I have resorted to putting dental floss under each sensor to aid in their removal.
So other than the above 2 complaints I am very happy with the PN suit.
I played with some of the sample data from the PN when it first came out and wasn't entirely happy with it, but it had a lot of possibility for animation and I was really interested in getting one. Glad to hear you're having a good experience with it. I remember doing lots of trial runs to get the bone mapping.
I finally got this from the sample data, no fixing in post, after a lot of trial and error.
WayOfTheSword, is that a G2 or G3 character in your video?
That was a G1. At the end of last month I finally broke down and invested in a Perception Neuron. I'd been salivating over the system ever since I saw the Stress Level Zero unboxing and talking with Brandon Laatsch about it at VidCon. But I'm having bad luck with my bone mapping this time around. The elbows seem to just want to flop around.
But I'm sure I used the same settings because I saved them. It's really frustrating me.
Have you run your BVH through BVHacker or similar to see if all looks good before importing to DAZ? Also try importing to different figure see if better or worse results, if one works save it to an aniblock and then apply to other figures.