TX Madison for G9/8/8.1 Premium Bundle : Question

I bought [TX Madison for G9/8/8.1 Premium Bundle] today and installed it using DIM.
In Daz Studio, I am not able to locate it in the Smart Content tab except in the Lost+Found category. I am however able to find it in the regular Content tab. This is not a deal breaker in any way for me, but since I am more comfortable (used to) using the Smart Content system, I am asking:
(1) Is this a known issue, or is it happening only on my system?
(2) In case that it is a known issue, will this be fixed?
I understand that this is a product originally developed for sale on another store, but since it is being sold here now, I would appreciate it if this will be worked on. Also, should I open an issue about it?
It is one of those products Daz has taken over from Rendo, and they have not got meta-data (for Smart Content).
Those products might get them later, but that is unknown.
So, are there plans for this specific product (TX Madison for G9/8/8.1 Premium Bundle) to get the metadata update?
It would be nice to know!
Nobody in the forum would know.
You can try to raise a ticket (help-request) to Daz.
Until it does get metadata, you can find all your content thru the content library
Or you could create your own, and even share it with others. I would suggest creating a "stoe" for this so you can keep it separate from the Daz metadata, for example by using http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/referenceguide/scripting/api_reference/samples/metadata/add_store_id/start and chnaging the last line to something like
} )( "Daz 3D Temporary Metadata", "http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/read_me/index/@/start", "@", true );
which will, if you enter the SKU as the token for the product, allow the More Information command to open the readme. If/when Daz does an official update you can just delete the Daz 3D Temporary Metadata store item for that product.
Richard's solution would probably solve my issue, but I have a phobia when it comes to playing around with the database. Anyhow, the issue is just one of comfort rather than utility and as rightly pointed out, I can still work through the Content Pane.
What I ended up doing is that I raised a ticket asking whether this issue would be addressed from DAZ / PA side. Even if the intention is not there, or it will take a long time, it is not the end of the world. I can still work!