can softbody show animating disrobing?

vicki shrugs off her slinky dress and it falls to a heap at her feet (or silken puddle, working on the chapter)
i want to animate it sliding off, but then collapsing around her feet
was wondering if it's possible?
character has long hair. would be kewl to show her hair falling when she pulls hairpin out
Although I haven't played with the soft-body yet, I think that your 'disrobing' idea would be easier than any other form of figure-related animated cloth as the beta Bullet stands right now. Here's where I would begin my thought process:
I would start by setting the figure's collision "Off" so that the cloth cannot interact with all of those polygons.
Then I would add a primitive spher to the scene, place it over the head of the figure and scale it to fit somewhat closely - no real need to get too close - probably better to be slightly larger.
Parent that sphere to the head of the figure
Duplicate the sphere and drag it (in the hierarchy of the instances tray) from the head to the neck, then move and shape it accordingly.
Continue repeating that with the Collars, Shoulders, Forearms, Hands, Chest, Abdomen, Hip, etc.,
After all of that I'd start working with the cloth simulation experiments
It certainly can fall off or even drape on a still figure, its the animated posing thats the issue, obj export your outfit with morphs and skinning ticked and reimport it in posed position as an obj on the posed figure (resize in motion usually needed)
make physics motion and softbody modifier
then run a softbody sim
make sure colloision distance close and prob avoid ticking self intersection if not important.
best have In effects max friction and density no bounce on both figure model and cloth item
dont wanna, but, think i'm gonna have to make a non-conforming, ridiculously rigged slinky dress and keyframe its flow down her body. >.<
no way to know if it'll be worth the work til it's done.
Create a few target helpers,. and a softbody Attach so you can control the fall of the softbody with the helpers
You may be interested in these discussions over at CarraraTors;topicseen#new [ See Dudu's video 25 jan 2015 ]
VWD with Philemo's plugin includes tools to modify the drape in progress so you can pull something off (or back on) a shoulder, etc. not perfect, but an amazing improvement.