Polished quadruped morphs

Been playing with Ghastly Dog morphs, and I'd pay good money for a more polished, open-ended morph set.
The fingers and whatnot end up like spaghetti ( http://willbear.deviantart.com/art/Ghastly-furry-dog-582273631 ). I can manipulate scale or add other stuff, but once the fingers are mangled like that, there's not much to do.
(The above was converted Genesis > G2M, but the fingers are pretty mangled in Genesis, too)
It probably neds to run Adjust Rigging to Shape, then use ERC Freeze to link the changes to the morph.
If you have time, can you walk me through that? Specifically, at what point in the process do I do each? (Like, dial in the morph, then adjust riggint to shape and ERC Freeze, or... ?)
The Manwolf is pretty good to
but sadly a fullbody morph, I have however mixed it with other creatures to create some scary beasts
Hrmph. Yeah. My cat guy wouldn't be thrilled. ;) But I think I'll add that to my whirlwind 'buy all the Rawart' purchase frenzy ...