Help Center Issues

Mod note:
This thread was originally created by lloyf but we accidentally merged it with the DS beta thread. We have now (touch wood)split it back out correctly, but in the process it has gained a new first post with a later date and may be in a different forum. Out apologies for the mess.
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
I am looking for some advice concerning inaction on Help Center tickets. The first created on 11/30/2023 relates to the Install Manager unable to download new content or updates. According to the logs it authenticates without an issue, locates my install products, and then fails when trying to locate new or updated product. The second is with the Account web page, selecting "Product Library" throws a "The server experienced an error" message. I suspect the two issues are related. I don't believe either ticket has even been looked at. I keep adding updates to them, but that has not helped generate any action. I can see all of my old orders without any problems. It is frustrating to have 19 years of purchases no longer accessible.
So the question is should I just abandon those tickets and create new ones? Are any other methods of getting some attention to these? If anyone is interested the tickets are 448730 and 448229.
Thanks for any suggestions.
What is your ticket number, and was it opened with Sales or Tech Support?
lloyf posted ticket numbers in the first message.
My tickets were Tech Support. (I think we've exchanged this same info here in the forum before.)
Request #434165 was submitted April 7, 2023 and has never received a human response (9 months now).
Request #442164 was submitted August 19, 2023 to ask whether Request #434165 got lost, because of no response. It has also never received a human response (5 months now).
Old Technical Support tickets recently closed and marked Solved with no fix:
363414, 362764, 357174
Rather than fixing problems, they let them "age out" and close them as Solved. I guess it helps their metrics; it doesn't help the customer with the broken product.
The tickets are 448730 and 448229 open with tech support. Should it have sales?
I'm not sure which would be best for this kind of think - I tend to assme sales for anything account related but that may not be correct. I will see what i can find.
Yes, I think we did discuss the issues, I can't recall if you gave me the tickets then though.
This is one previous plea for help (with both ticket numbers) when CS just wouldn't respond.
I want an explanation for why tickets have been ignored for months and what Daz is going to do to fix that problem Were the tickets assigned to someone who quit and the tickets were not reassigned? Was there a system failure that caused tickets to be lost? Are the tickets still in the queue, but Tech support is really almost a year behind in answering tickets? Have all tech Support people been reassigned to Sales Support? WHAT CAN A CUSTOMER DO WHEN CS JUST WON'T RESPOND TO TICKETS?
Contact the one responsible for everything in the company?
Where is that contact information?
The problem is, that seems to be of limited utility and doesn't last. Doesn't mean it shouldn't be tried, if you can find the information, but don't necessarily expect a lot from it.
A few years ago, @Daz_Ty Ty Duperron came into a thread and said that they were aware of the service issues and that they were hiring personnel to handle the backlog. People gave him ticket numbers in that thread (which I can't find now), and things got handled. And now ... here we are again, and the problem is notably worse than it was before. (The specific issue that I had at that time took literally two years to be handled, and it was a fairly simple issue to fix.) From what I can see, his role has changed since then, so he may not be over Support any more. In any event, there seems to be a lack of ... caring, honestly. A company that once had a superlative reputation for service has let it go down the tubes completely, and doesn't seem to care that it has. After all, the only real place that people can find information on the service issues is here in the forum, and as we're frequently told, only a minority of Daz users visit the forum. So there's relatively little incentive to improve things.
I have a combination of reports to Technical Support and Sales Support.
435487 - 9 months - no contact - Tech Support (I have asked for help also in Tech forum on forums, no response.)
429973 - 1 year - some contact - Sales Support, who moved it up. It was fixed because of Forums which let PA know of issue.
447595 - 2 months - no contact - Sales Support
447330 - 2 months - no contact - Sales Support
450597 - 16 days - no contact - Tech Support
Mary, thanks for adding your ticket information.
I sent a PM about this issue to Daz_Ty.
That was a dead end, like all, the rest of the attempts to get attention to the problem of Customer Service not responding. The inbox shows that Daz_Ty has been active on the site since I sent the PM, but I got no response.
What was the purpose of us posting ticket numbers here? Is anyone doing anything with those numbers?
I have sent some queries in, but I haven't received any new information.
Ok, thank you, Richard.
Sales Support tickets are usually resolved much faster than Tech Support tickets.
So the question is, a problem with Install Manager not being able to access new purchases or updated products tech support or sales? Not being able to access the product library for my account web page, tech support or sales?
Which leaves me back where I started, two months with not so much as an acknowledgement of the problem. :( I need to stop getting the mail from DAZ touting the bundles I can buy, but but not install.
It might actually be worth trying it as a Sales ticket, if you haven't done that before. A person being unable to access their product library at all sounds like an account issue that Sales ought to at least be able to try to address. And two months without access to your stuff is ridiculous.
A word of praise for the Help Center: The sales support is excellent. Yesterday I mistakenly bought an item that is not suitable for Mac. I realised the mistake immediately afterwards, sent a ticket - and less than two hours later the money was in my store account. I regularly have experiences like this with the sales support.
You are lucky. Some have been waiting over two months on sales support tickets, with no human reponse at all.
That's bad, of course, and I'm sorry for them. I thought that these delays mainly occur with technical support.
Now the forum has kicked me out again. Hopefully they'll have this mess fixed soon.
Not that I expect any different result, but I opened a sales ticket for the issue as well. If I can't download/install purchased products is is reasonable to request a refund?
Wow! Submitting the sales ticket actually worked. All access has been restored. Maybe next time I will start with a sales ticket!
Wow, that's awesome!