Why are there three Gen4 outfits in the Genesis clothes folder?

I used to like in the poser directory because I might have been the last hanger-on to the gen4 figures and products. I didn't move to Genesis until Genesis 8 and dForce, lol. Between critters only found in the Daz directory and my new (at the time) INSANE birthday gift to myself a few years back, I started focusing on my daz directory more. Those here who know me can attest that I'm a lazy artist ... lol. I don't like bouncing back and forth between directories. Short story long ... I've devised my own daz directory order and am slow but surely refining and converting the poser products so I can still use them with newer figures in new scenes. Lighting and shader advances can make old stuff look amazing. Due to an off-topic problem, I had to uninstall and reinstall DS and with it came some older stuff that I've spent the last several hours re-filing so my weird brain can find them. So far the DM Memorial set is missing the four backgrounds promoted on the product page and now there are three Generation 4 outfits in the Genesis clothes folder, and not a one set of clothing for Genesis, lol.
So I ask ... Why are there three Gen4 outfits in the Genesis clothes folder? Who organizes the directories? I know it's not the vendors. It's bad enough there's little rhyme or reason as to how products are labeled. But putting the right clothes with the right figures, especially sets that are old that dForce or even auto-fit can work with. I don't know about everyone else, but I spend a ridiculous amount of money on content. It would be nice if at least a few things worked as they are supposed to, lol.
The first genesis was a transition, and that first genesis model had default fits and morphs for M4 and V4. and to show that functionality, being able to use your existing content, they included generation 4 content. They have been there for atleast 10 years, so you finding them now doesn't change their history.
Ahhh, ok. I never liked the look of genesis. I didn't migrate till Genesis 8. But to new users, nothing about that is on the product pages or even a thumbnail saying it will work on both. Even auto-fit doesn't go lower than genesis. Thanks for explaining why, tho.
There are products in the store for direct autofit from mil4 generation for all genesis generations. Instead, the free way is: Millenium 4 garment autofited to genesis 1, save this garment, then garment saved for G1 autofited to Genesis 9 using the default genesis 1 clone for G9.
There's also the fact many poser clothes for Gen 4 had daz files, but were put in the runtime folder set up, which don't work unless you move them to the daz folder set up. So you might want to double check on that as well.