Heat Free Trial / Subscription

Sorry for not knowing where to post this. Daz offered a few months back a free trial of the Heat Bridge for 2 months. Said you could cancel at any time. I did try and cancel well before the two months, but I could find nowhere on the Heat Dashboard where to cancel. I attempted to contact the Heat support requesting to please cancel subscription before I got charged. No response. Come the begining of May I was charged the $25 and THEN I saw the means with wich to cancel the subscription. I also saw that to request a refund I need to "contact the support within 3 days of the payment" which I did yet again. Still, complete silence from Heat for 5 days and still no refund. Has anyone else ran into this?
Post edited by frank0314 on
If/when contact like that is lost, contact the concerned bank and tell the CC dept all what happened. They have more resources.
I sent Heat an email a week or so before my trial period was up making clear that I didn't want to be charged but couldn't find a way to cancel. They never responded, I was charged on the 1st, and just haven't bothered to call them yet.
Heat now have subscription management implemented on their site.
I joined in the free trial at the end of March (around 20th) and noticed right away that they have no subscription management on their site, apart from the big cancel subscription button. I asked them about it on their Discord and they said they are going to implement subscription management on their site. After a month had passed (latter half of April), I went on their site and noticed no subscription management was implemented, but they had also removed subscription cancellation option too. I went back on their Discord and inquired again about the lack of subscrition management. A week or so after it (a week ago) I noticed they had finally implemented the subscription management on thier site.
My free trial seems to end in two weeks (24th). I think I'll cancel my sub next week. Originally I had planned paying a month or two after my free period ends, but I have some unforseen bills/expenses coming my way and I need to cut back unnecessary spending.
Moved the thread since it isn't Daz Studio the application related.
I have since contacted my credit card company to dispute the charge. It is absolutely ridiculous that they just don't respond to any emails...