Armpit optimizer morphs for G3F and G3M

I suggest some chest-armpit optimizer morphs (should be pose and also shape morphs) so if the arms are bend to the body or bend back one has the option to adjust the armpit via pose morphs (armpits move in) or in general via shape morphs.
The thing is if the model gets a bit more "chubby" you get more problems with clothing on the chest/armpit area. And also one give the "nude" model a better lock on this area. Sure this areas are better than back at V4 but not perfect. So some adjustment morphs would be good.
pose morphs:
armpit left front in
armpit left back in
armpit right front in
armpit right back in
armpits both front in
armpits both back in
the same morphs also as shape morphs for general use on the figure.
There is a product with shapes at the store (I have that) that includes armpit morphs but just as shape morphs and just for both left and right together. I need such morphs as pose morphs, too and seperate for each site.
BTW, the same for the back knees would also be good.
Do you mean armpit or the lats?
well both would be good, armpits and lats with seperate morphs for each site and both together.
armpit left front in
armpit left back in
armpit right front in
armpit right back in
armpits both front in
armpits both back in
and the same for the lats
and maybe for both also sites in also sepearte for each side and for both sides
and each morphs as shape and as pose morph so one can save a pose with the armpits or lats values just for this pose
There is a product with shapes at the store (I have that) that includes armpit morphs but just as shape morphs and just for both left and right together. I need such morphs as pose morphs, too and seperate for each site.
What is the name of that product?
the chest armpit morphs work quite well but only for both left and right together but that doesn`t matter so far but it would be usefull to have them also as pose morphs and for left and right also seperately.
BTW, this product has also some other usefull morhps, especially if you use Bethany 7 or the wheigt morphs, with some of the leg morphs you can fix the thigh / hip area so you getter better result if you bend the legs.
Hey thanks.
No problem