dforce lumpy dress skirt? Lully Tadema dress

I appear to to getting a lumpy skirt as per the attached picture any ideas what i am doing wrong? :)
the dress is Lullys Tadema dress https://www.daz3d.com/dforce-tadema-dress-for-g8f
I have tried deleting the dress and reloading it but the lumps remain.

414 x 689 - 399K
Post edited by Pitmatic on
I am not seeing that. Are you sure there is only one copy of the dress? Which materials are you using?
I am using the default materials with the dress, the figure is Van helsing and the dforce simulation is current frame as its a simple standing pose
One copy of the dress
Can you switch from texture mode to hidden line wire-mesh and take a screen snap? And is there any kind of displacement map or strong bump map being used in the surfaces tab.
So this has been converted to Genesis 9? Do you get the same issue with Genesis 8?
So this the gen 9 figure with the lumps
this is gen 8 with the lumps
this is gen 8 with a fabric factory shader
and this is the wireframe
I have done several scenes with gen 9 in this dress and no lumps but in this scene the lighting is from above and is showing them up I think now i got annoyed lol and set smothing to max and that did remove the lumps but should not be required I would have thought maybe?
Does it look lumpy before simulation?
Not really there are the odd shapes you get in dforce cothes when they try to follow the body pose before simulation, but this only shows with the overhead lighting in other outdoor scenes it seems fine or at least its not noticable in more filling light
That is a strange looking mesh to me, why is it not all straight lines up and down as well as straigh across. It looks messy and can be what's causing your problem.
It's originally made in Marvelous Designer. I would be very surprised if the mesh is what's causing the issue. I have used the Tadema Dress quite a bit over the years (it was released in 2018) and have never ran into this issue.
@Pitmatic , is the dress by chance in Base Resolution or is it in High Resolution?
Hmm, So I have to eat my own words. I have NO issues with the dress and lumpiness UNLESS I use bright spotlights above the character although they are not near as bad as what Pitmatic has shown. I set the dress to High Resolution and Subdivision set to 2 with smoothing on. I can see a few faint lumpy areas just nothing extreme. Never have I ever noticed this before.
EDIT: I just did some more tests on this. I am just astounded I have never noticed this before. I have set Subdivision to 3, Smoothing to Base Shape and Generic, Smoothing Iterations from 2 to 5 and adjusted dForce settings on the dress several times. I have the worst results using the supplied Shaders/Materials by Lully. I also have 3DArena's expansion and I see no lumpiness at all. 3D Arena uses normal maps instead of Bump maps so maybe that's why I had never seen the lumpiness before. All of the Tadema dresses I have saved in my character subsets have normal maps in the Shaders.
@ZippyGuitar the dress is in high resolution rendersub 2 the lighting is a 4 x 4 m emissive plane at some distance above I was trying to get some alma tadema style lighting going in my temple scene :)
I cant get the lumps to go away or the annoying dforce crease that sometimes appears so i will just photoshop them out not ideal as i am lazy :)
Where are the 3DArena textures are they historical?
Thank you ZippyGuitar
Wowza! not seen it like that before by me or in the galleries by others.
I have been playing around with the dforce settings and also the properties of the dress, this may help.
Reduce the stretching and up the stretch dampening - see zip attached for the Mat file/thumb (just plop it into your dforce surfaces folder, this will only affect the skirt parts.
Also, after simulation change the following:
Change SubD type from Catmark to Catmull-Clark (Legacy)
Change smoothing type from Base shape match to Generic
@Lully Thank you very much for all that info. I never thought of changing the SubD type even though I have done so with other items before.
Thank you @Lully i will gives this a go. :)