What does this file do? "genesis 2 starter essentials 3dprint geograft female"

in The Commons
What does this file do? "genesis 2 starter essentials 3dprint geograft female"
It came with my recent re-install, and I've only ever used G2 toon figures, so I'm not sure what this is or does.
It plugs the gaps in the Genesis 2 mesh so that it is "watertight," that is a continuous shell that can be printed as a solid rather than a zero-thickness film which cannot. The later figuers are watertight to begin with.
I have no idea what that means, lol. I've never had a reason to use shells, either, so I never learned about them. There is a comparable file for G2M, too. If I don't need either, I'll delete them. But maybe if you give me an example of how you have used it, maybe I'll understand better if I may ever need them.
As I said, it is for 3D printing - for that the thing to be printed needs to make a solid volume.
Oh, ok ... so no ... I don't see me ever needing them. Thanks :)