you're favorite G-String or Thong Underwear from behind?

in The Commons
I wanted to create something from behind a female character, and thought I'd put something together with a topless woman (not showing anything) and her underwear. The problem came when I started to realize that a lot of attention seems to be paid to the front of female underwear, but the back seems to be generally the same across many of them. Thought I'd hop on here and see if anyone has anything that they think is quite exceptional from the rear.... sorry lol any recommendations are welcome!
My favorite is for Victoria 4 lol but this is a close second and fits G8F
So this is actually about DAZ Studio clothes?
Doesn't have to be about stuff from Daz's site no, can be from other sites. Just curious since I was looking for something unique looking, and realized that there really wasn't anything that I could find for Daz that stood out to me from behind. This obviously isn't a result of women's underwear not being capable of being interesting from behind, since I'm sure we've all been with someone who has said underwear, or in the case of straight women, have seen their share of female underwear that looked interesting from behind.
Okay, now I'm curious what the Victoria 4 one was lol
by Causam3D at RenderHub might be of interest, and it's on sale right now.
Causam3D at RenderHub definitely has a well established shop of a large selection.
Presonally, I like the tanga style which still shows a lot of flesh but doesn't disappear completely. This makes it easier to come up with something interesting from the rear.
Could you add an image of what you are after?
Scan posercontent for bikinis and slap fabric shaders on them. If the prop has decent material zones there are possibilities. Even if not, Geometry edit might help or you create custom textures from templates.
I agree, though, from behind it often enough seems a little uninpsired.
TBH, I prefer Hongyu's G8F Bikini 2, and would prefer it if the fabric weren't quite so rucked between the buttocks.
Well you have to ruck it though. You just have to.
X Fashion - Series 3 for Genesis 8-8.1 Females (Renderosity)
Thingity Thong was made by FleshForge (aka Squishy on sharecg and pjz99 at renderosity) and sadly he has removed everything before G8 so no longer available. I have it saved to disk and installed on my computer so can still use it. The images show the front and back of it. I was able to fit it to Genesis1, 2 and 3 with no trouble.
Hongyu's Bikini for V5 (Genesis).

Those who own this little number know what I'm talking about.
I think a recent equivalent is
Some small things
If you are looking for something that has more detail, Mada made a beautiful one for the Fantasy Wrap.
Nice gallery image of what it actually looks like here:
Now that is very unique!
That does look very much like Thingitiy Thong, The biggest differences is that the one I linked to and Thingity Thong are free lol, thanks for the link tho, I bookmarked it.
Neither. I find both tacky. Give me a girl in a string bikini from the late 60's or early 70's any day.
Sorry for the late reply, I hadn't really had much time to sit around and "hunt" for pictures. I guess I meant stuff that's interesting to look at from a design perspective.
Thongs are not that appealing visually. Less is not more,
but for some nicer details, xtrart-3d has some well made lingerie items.
I agree no doubt he does very good work, I just noticed a pattern that there aren't hardly any "styled" bottoms from behind. They all basically look the same. Keep in mind I posted pictures in the post just above yours showing that doesn't have to be the case, just curious if anyone's ever come across something that looked exceptional from the rear.
X-Fashion Lingerie Bottom Set for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Females
X-Fashion Lingerie Bottom 02 Set for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Females
All thongs, with interesting details front and back. Probably the best thong-centric products in the store. ;)
In the end I think this will allow me to achieve the look I'm going for.
That's a tanga, not a thong