[OUT NOW!] Graduation Day + Now-Crowd Billboards [Commercial]

Silent WinterSilent Winter Posts: 3,762


Graduation Day - A full interior environment AND Now-Crowd Graduation Day Billboards in association with Riversoft Art!

You've studied hard and now it's time to celebrate your achievement with Graduation Day!
The Graduation Day set is a full interior school-hall environment for a graduation awards ceremony. In addition to the hall building, it comes with a stage (stage uses multiples of a smaller stage and can be extended even further if needed); backing curtains; foldable table plus cloth; graduation certificates (flat diploma, diploma stack, rolled diploma); steps; ramp; school chairs; banners; 2 bouquets; and a photo backdrop prop with customizable numbers to represent any year (See promos).
There are wearable presets to place the diplomas and bouquets in Genesis 9's hand.
The set also comes with layered Photoshop files (.psd can also be opened in GIMP, Affinity Photo, and other 2D editing software) to customize the diplomas, the wide 'congratulations' banner, and the school banner.
Celebrate your success and grab Graduation Day!

But that's not all!
It's time to graduate, and you wouldn't want to do that alone! Introducing Now-Crowd Billboards Graduation Day. Fill your scene with graduates and family and make it an occasion to remember. The included billboards are high-quality, easy to use, and light on resources - the perfect backdrop for your graduation day renders.
Billboards are a fantastically quick and resource-easy way to add background crowds to your scenes. These pre-rendered elements are great for playing the background characters in your scene. These Now-Crowd Billboards improve on standard billboards by providing 84 different views for every billboard figure. Change a billboard figure to 12 different horizontal angles and 7 different vertical angles. When your camera moves, the Now-Crowd Billboards can be changed to match. Included with this set are -15-degree vertical angles for each billboard for those low-angle shots
There are also great scripts to make these billboards easy to use! There is one script to turn the billboards to face the camera and another script to change the billboard figure angle based on horizontal and vertical orientation. Finally, there is a script that pushes your billboard directly away from your camera view or pulls it towards you.
Grab Now-Crowd Billboards Graduation Day for your graduation scenes!

No other products are needed to use Now-Crowd Billboards products.
Note that Now-Crowd Billboard products are large (> 10GB) because of the many textures (84 images per figure x number of figures) and can take a while to download.

Promo below also uses Now-Crowd Modern Sitting Crowd to fill up some chairs

Graduation Day_Popup_01.jpg
1600 x 900 - 418K
Graduation Day_Popup_02.jpg
1600 x 900 - 324K
Graduation Day_Popup_04.jpg
1600 x 900 - 312K
Now-Crowd Billboards Graduation Day_Main.jpg
1000 x 1300 - 422K
Now-Crowd Billboards Graduation Day_Popup_01.jpg
1400 x 700 - 276K
Graduation Day_Popup_15.jpg
1600 x 900 - 361K
Graduation Day_Popup_09.jpg
1200 x 1200 - 241K
Graduation Day_Popup_07.jpg
1600 x 1064 - 321K
Now-Crowd Billboards Graduation Day_Popup_05.jpg
1689 x 1000 - 608K
Now-Crowd Billboards Graduation Day_Popup_04.jpg
1300 x 1408 - 556K
Post edited by Silent Winter on


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