How do you navigate your products without Daz Central?

in The Commons
So I love Daz Central's layout, where you can click Daz Studio Assets and then scroll through and see pictures of everything you own. But I know that Daz Central may be removed some day. So I am at a loss as to how to navigate such a large volume of content. Thought I'd see what people on here do.
I can't help. I don't use it or smart content. I have my own directory setup. When I do use DIM (only about half the time), that installs to a special directory which I then re-file everything to suit my own weird logic.
Smart Content>Products is certainly one option if you need images.
I know about that, but the problem is sometimes the things I buy don't end up there. So I spend more time in the Content Library as a result. =\
I'm old school and I have been navigating "folder" trees for almost 40 years, so finding stuff in Content Library is easy. Although it does require some re-arranging as not all creators follow the same logic in their product placement, but as I'm using manual installation, it doesn't take but a few seconds to put the user facing files where I want them to be.
Doesn't work with G9 as it uses scripts to call other assets (makeup for example), which is one of the reasons I very seldom use G9.
I rely heavily on smart content.
Sometimes I use the product library here when I'm having trouble finding something, particularly if it's a prop or otherwise less obvious in some broad category.
If you go to My Account and click on Product Library, it's basically the same thing as Daz Central. I go there a lot to look at all the product pictures to remember what I wanted to use them for.
Yes, that started working again about a week ago on W10+Chrome after not working for about six months (non-subscriber to Daz+)
I like this. Very bold!
I use DIM wherever possible and move and/or rename specific files and directories as needed. I sometimes add new thumbnails, too.
I also am sort of old school, been using the content library for so long, that it still is my main method for categorizing and finding what I need. I also use lots of custom folders which DazStudio makes it very easy to customize. And as my eyes are tiring, I render custom thumbs, usually 512x512, just so I can see what I need at a glance by hovering over the thumbs.
Really it wasn't working for you? I use Edge not Chrome and it's never stopped working for me. Glad it's back up and running for ya!
They may be meaning Smart Content
That's an idea! Do you mark them .tip.png or just .png?
Not so sure it's bold as much as OCD. I hyper-sort, lol.
For example... Yesterday, I used LSC to convert the LoRz Upland Troll Bundle from the Poser directory to sort it and use it from my Daz directory. It's not foolproof on figures and clothes, but I've had no trouble so far. In my typical over-think-it fashion, I filed the figure under FIGURES > HYBRIDS > TROLLS and placed the clothing set as a whole under CLOTHES > CONFORMING SETS > FIGURE CODE - PRODUCT NAME, then, lol ... I break up the set by item, filing a copy of each thing in its own category. For example: the 'pants' are also listed under CLOTHES > BOTTOMS > PANTIES, BRIEFS >TYPE CODE_FIGURE CODE - PRODUCT NAME.
To be even more anal-retentive, I don't like the thumbnails the converter script creates for the new files. So I opened each thumb and tip file in PS and replaced it with the vendor's thumb, scaled up a copy (212%) for the tip file, and saved both because it has to look the same or my head will explode, lol.
I've started a blog post detailing LSC quirks, like that so I don't forget what I did or why since I don't convert things every day.
It's hard being me
Yes .tip.png works well with 512x512.
Thank you! Very helpful
I would really, REALLY like a more robust way to filter products I own on the purchased assets page.
Particularly, filter by license since I'm losing track of what has interactive licenses!
Your process does sound involved! It works for you, and that's the important thing! DS does a great job of accepting our individual preferences. My main goal has been to make all the products in my library more accessible. I want to locate things with as little trouble as possible. For one thing, I got rid of vendor folders in the product lstings. I tend to keep vendor name or at least abbreviation in the folder name, though not always. I also do my best to get the stuff for each product in the same directory as the product itself. So an outfit with texture expansions and such would be all together under the name of the outfit. I suppose someone might say, "you should just use smart content." No. Having things properly located in logically arranged directories works better for me. So, that's what I do. It's never easy!
Well, smart content only works if you don't want access to all dresses for all figures going back to V3. Or all animal regalia and armor in one location because I want to find the best saddle for a ladybug. I like to modify and Frankenstein stuff. And doing a search is pointless since many vendors name things differently in different languages. I'm better off getting sets I like, saving the set in its primary category, like clothes or figures or props, and then stripping it for parts. I can't remember the last time I used anything other than a script the way it came. I don't like vender folders, either. I just add their abbreviated name to the product folder name.
I think we're on the same page. Cool!