AM, would you consider making a Quetzlcoatlus?

AM, I'm a huge fan of your pteranodon, would you consider making a Quetzlcoatlus? It's a legendary animal, possibly the largest flying creature to ever exist? It would be cool to have an updated version of it (the dinoraul quetz is really showing its age).


  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    That would be cool!

  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,120
    My vote for this too!
  • I had started it a while ago and then put in on pause because I thought nobody would be interested. It seems I was wrong so I will get back to it!

  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,120

    Yes! This is the best news, Alessandro! I will buy it on release!

  • DiasporaDiaspora Posts: 459

    Alessandro Mastronardi said:

    I had started it a while ago and then put in on pause because I thought nobody would be interested. It seems I was wrong so I will get back to it!

    FWIW, I am a Day 1 Buyer. 

  • DiasporaDiaspora Posts: 459

    So, turns out that the 'big bad' of the next Jurassic Park movie is going to be a Quetzlcoatlus, meaning that there's likely to be a lot of popular interest in this dinosaur very soon.

    Just saying. 

  • nabob21nabob21 Posts: 1,029

    I would also be a Day 1 buyer for this. In fact, anything prehistoric - dinosaurs, pterosaurs, marine reptiles, prehistoric mammals, etc. I have all of the ones currently in the store, and would be happy for more.


  • A Quetzalcoatlus would be awesome, AM!

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    That would be cool!

  • Almost ready!

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