Adding a support light to Sun-Sky Only?

in The Commons
I am using Mytilus' Old Room for some scenes. It's lit by Sun-Sky Only, but I wish to add a support light by turning the camera light on, without losing the light coming in the window. Dome and Scene won't allow that. How do I use Sun-Sky only and add a support light at the same time?
Thank you!
I add invisible lights, but watching your thread to see what one is supposed to do - I use sun-sky most of the time.
Add a mesh light, that will work with Sun-Sky.
You could create a 1 polygon plane, parent it to the camera in the approriate direction, and it will act like the headlamp.
Personally I prefer mesh lights as the shadows are softer, but you can make the square smaller if you want sharp shadows.
Use Dome and Scene, then change the Environment Map to None. The Sun-Sky parameters will become available, then you can add and use spotlights, distant lights, etc.
That is a good piece of information that will prove very helpful.
I didn't know this either, thanks for sharing!
Just another advice if you using @NorthOf45's tip: you'll need to remove the default HDRI each time you're loading the scene, because Daz Studio will load that scene with the default HDRI active.
Thanks to everyone who replied! I'll see if any of those suggestions work.
Learn something new every day. thanks
I keep taking long enough breaks that I forget this part and have to be reminded of it again, so thank you, and just making sure this gets repeated! It may get fixed someday I hope!
What I do, after every Studio update, is right click on the HDRI, browse to folder and delete it from my system. I never use it anyway. If I get something that tries to load it I just use Ignore in the popup :)
As this changes EVERYTHING! Thanks for posting, looks like I have some scenes to reconfigure!
This actually works brillantly. In fact, if I use Paper Tiger's HDRI Interior X-Ray Camera, I don't need any additional light.
Thank you!
if you want to use support light, change it to dome scene, then to get the lighting back from sun/sky, you remove the hdri and put it to none, then you can use whatever lights you want. Sometimes it's better to use non mesh lights since light interaction changes a lot depending on if it's mesh/ghost light or an actual light so i get it. I wish they were just able to be used by default with out going through hoops.
Also keep note that if you're like me and you save and reset daz before a full render; upon opening the scene again you have to remove the hdri again because daz will always re-apply default hdri when it's in dome scene.
(Edit, I see I was beaten to the response; lol good job all! Happy rendering!)