Pantyhose for G9?

in The Commons
Does anyone know whether we've had a pantyhose or general hosiery set yet for G9, like Lali's things for G8? I was just out searching, but couldn't find any. Noticed, on the contrary, that it's really quite hard to find pantyhoses at all with G9 outfits, mostly it's just stockings. But I need ballet tights, so they must include a crotch and waist and also feetsies ...
Lali also sells at other stores and has G9 items. try googling Lali's Pantyhose Classic for Genesis 9
Thank you, hadn't thought of that at all!
I find myself wondering if making stockings or lingerie of any kind that cover G9's feet is difficult. Seems most stockings for G9 are footless - here at DAZ at least.
I don't really know, I hadn't looked at it this way. Maybe you're right, cause it does seem kind of odd. But maybe they're just heavily out of fashion? - Anyways, in case you're not aware, there's this set I found lately which can be used for sports and for business and such, with different shaders: it's in DAZ for a day right now.
Thanks for this Tsreomi. I did see that outfit. Could probably use shaders to make the pants look like panty hose.
Seems that most all of X-tart's lingerie for G9 has no feet built into the stockings. Could be just a preference on their part I guess. But, personally I don't care for it. I like stockings with feet in them.
One of the promo pics has translucent black, beige, and white listed among the solid options... might not need different shaders?
Perhaps SilverGirl. I can't really tell.
Lali's look great. Just a bit expensive for my budget.
Usually tight items autofit well. You can try using pantyhose from an earlier generation and see if that works.
Here's a freebie
Thanks for the suggestion Wonderland. I'll try that.
Thank you for the reply and link. I'll give it a try.