Aiko 7?

Since Victoria, Michael and Olympia have recently seen Genesis 3 updates, I assume Aiko is in the works.
I'm working on some Anime renders that could really benefit from updating Aiko, but I'm wondering if it's worth springing for Aiko 6 if Aiko 7 is going to come out any minute.
So, is Aiko 7's timeline "soon" or "later this year"?
Those that know, wont say; anyone else who says anything is speculating. (That's a fancy way of saying a WAG. Wild Ass Guess.)
Meh. DAZ could take a cue from the Game Industry on release dates.
Ahhh...but aren't they the same thing?
In Daz-speak 'soon' usually means sometime before the return of Halley's comet...
halley's comet is scheduled to return in 2061.
Er, not that soon then.
I thought they had!
Au contraire! The Game Industry announces "First quarter of 201X". Then the date slips 5 times. BUT at least they give us a ball park date to disbelieve.
Ahh, kinda similar.
In either case, we know the date, real or made up is completely wrong.
I was going to ask this but you beat me to it, who knew that i'm not alone in wanting Aiko 7 eh?
I'm waiting vor Aiko 7 myself, hope she hits the shop soon.
First, we should see Izabella 7 and Girl 7 as teased once again by morphs listed on this hairstyle -
Also, Gia 7 morph was spotted as well so I guess it will take a while before Aiko is out.
Shame as Aiko 6 is one of my favourite textures.
nice spot.