How to make cloth shaders?

ReneWReneW Posts: 149

I would like to learn how to make cloth shaders with patterns on them, like flowers, animals, etc..  I searched everywhere, such as YouTube, but haven't had any luck finding what I want. I'd really apprerciate if someone can point me in the right direction.  Thanks.


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,693

    I am not aware of any tutorials.

    A cloth shader is not really a shader, but a shader preset. As in a collection of textures and values, typically in Iray Uber Shader.

    For textures you would usually have a Base Color and a Normal and/or Bump map as minimum. You can have other textures if you want to control other properties across the surface, or reuse your base texture.

    So for making a shader, you need to have means of getting the relevant textures. You can find free textures online, or you can create your own. Creating your own would typically be in an image editing program, or a dedicated texture program like FIlter Forge.

    You have to be aware of that when creating a shader, it should be kind of neutral to the UV map, i.e. that the shader can be used anyhow. If your shader is not uniform, it might generate an undesired or desired effect on the item you use it on.

    Shafers are commenly made so they can be tiled, i.e. if you have flowers as basis, and you are tling them you get more smaller flowers.

  • ReneWReneW Posts: 149

    Thank you, felis.  I really appreciate the info.

  • lou_harperlou_harper Posts: 1,163

    If you're just trying to add an image on something like a piece of clothing, as opposed to a pattern, you can use edit the normal map in Photoshop or similar. I did that with this t-shirt.


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  • ReneWReneW Posts: 149

    Thank you, lou_harper, good idea for just one image. :)

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