Help identifying legacy Egyptian props?

Friends, in a generation 4 product called Bird God Action - Ibis by Don Albert, one of the preview pictures includes a small writing table or desk. Do any of you happen to know if that table/desk is/was in a product (still) available in the Daz Store (or elsewhere)? I think I've identified all the other props and furniture used in the Bird God promos. Finding that table would be helpful in my current project.

500 x 650 - 207K
Post edited by cheard on
I'm pretty sure that table is actually a chair and has a board on top of it to look like a table.
Probably turned around back to front, too.
If you don't need that exact prop, search for Senet in the Daz3d store and in particular
Faeryl Womyn and JOdel, thanks for those suggestions. You helped me look again with fresh eyes. I found it--actually designated as a table after all--in Play Like an Egyptian. The textures are different, but it's the same form factor.
nemesis10, the senet table is also a good suggestion, and in my library already.
I don't know that you were asking this but the "Mask" is Bird Cult for M4 & V4.
@pwiecek Yes, familiar with that already. Was really looking at the props.
For anyone curious, the table in the promos is not exactly from Play Like an Egyptian, but rather from a different set sold elsewhere, Party Like an Egyptian.
No, as noted above it's an actual prop that came that way as part of a set... There have been several out there like it over the years, but one of the big problems with DAZ/Poser products is that many of the vendors who made those props no longer have active stores... therefore while yo may see people using them, you can't get them anymore and the terms of the EULAs forbid any kind of exchange or resale. As it happens, though, that one in particular is part of a set that's currently on clearance at renderosity so you still have a chance to grab it: Party like an Egyptian 3D Figure Assets 3D Models Simon-3D (