Darius and Monique 7: SciFi Bonanza!

I got DAZ's customer survey today and, when looking over my disatisfaction with DAZ, it comes down to only one thing—how non-white characters have been presented. This has been discussed at length, so I'm not trying to reopen that conversation. However, the overwhelming success of a scifi film with a black protagonist suggests a great path for DAZ to release the next generation of dark skinned characters to avoid another round of that mess—sci-fi.
With Star Wars mania sweeping the nation (and when will it fade? Star Trek is due this summer, I think), a pair of sci-fi themed pro sets would be a big win and undo some of the ill-will earned last year with Darius and Monique's unfortunate pro sets. Right now, there are about as many monster chracters as people of color, so while there are some great partner figures getting released, it would be great for DAZ to show some leadership here. A pair of dark-skinned space agents would be a big win for sci-fi fans wanting space gear, and for anybody struggling with the combination of incompatible older textures and Iray's entirely different approach to skin shading.
Side note: cudos to DAZ for including a non-white character as part of the Olympia and (especially) Josie pro sets. There are still more monsters than all non-white Genesis 3 people, but at least you took a step (a small, cautious step) towards relfecting the diversity in the US and the world in your main offerings.