Roman Cityscape

There is this set Olympia Cityscape Set by Powerage (don`t have it until now but it seems to be awesome). My suggestion is a roman City-Scape or some historical City-Scapes like the Olympia Cityscape in general.
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There is this set Olympia Cityscape Set by Powerage (don`t have it until now but it seems to be awesome). My suggestion is a roman City-Scape or some historical City-Scapes like the Olympia Cityscape in general.
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It's not Roman, but I'm currently working on a medieval Tuscan city, (Which borrows a lot from roman architecture.) This is still very much a work in progress, but if there's enough interest I'll hopefully get it completed and into the store in the not to distant future.
Full set of buldings for cityscape in obj format but pricey:
Not a complete cityscape but there are these models that could be used to make one a lot cheaper
Textured Obj:
Pantheon fbx:
Pantheon untextured opj:
Coliseum textured obj:
Free coliseum but Blender format:
and others:
This looks really spectacular, even as a work-in-progress. I will look forward to seeing the final set.
looks interesting, one or two things as suggestion:
if you add props to your set, please create an extra prop folder and give the user the option to remove props from the set.
the DAZ products I haven`t recognized and the turbosquid products I knew and I have some of them but some of the products have "good" prices
I am looking not just for temples and so, "normal" city scape with buildings people live in for example.
Roman port city with domestic buildings:
yes, have seen it and thinking of buying it just because of some of the buildings, have some of the turbosquid buildings but they just have diffuse maps and they are not created very good, just for backround use.
Thanks :) I'm hoping it wont take too long to complete.
It's going to be highly customizable. You will be able to mix and match certain buildings, and even use them as standalone props. I will allow you to hide any building and even parts of the building such as the roof, doors etc to get the camera into those tight spots.
If there are any other suggestions, please let me know. Oh and yes, it will work with 3delight and iray.
They might look surprisingly modern (until you walk in the door, anyway). I was watching a documentary recently on Herculaneum — parts of it were even better preserved than Pompeii after the volcano was finished with them — and a lot of the people who weren't rich or shop owners lived in multi-storey tenements that wouldn't look much out of place in a much more recent urban setting.
That sound really good, I just use 3Delight right now because of my old machine and I also do not use SSS shader (have turned it off on each of my characters) and have fixed textures and values for my needs. So 3Delight is good. Also good seems to be the options we the customers will have :)
For suggestions, well I do not know the whole set so it is a bit difficult to make suggestions. Can you post a top view of the whole set?
One suggestion I have right now: some of the doors of the builings should have open/close options, maybe also some of the windows.
I do also not know how you create the inside of the buildings. Some artists create their buildings so inside renders or renders from inside to outside view are possible, some create their buildings just for outside views.