Rarestone Face Morphs Merchant Resource

I bought, among other things, Rarestone's G8 Face Morphs (Merchant Resource) before DAZ acquaired them and rebranded them as a Daz Original.
As such, it is her licensure provisions (not the DAZ ones) that I fall under.
Does anybody know what her license requirements were for using the Rarestone Face Morphs as a MR?
Post edited by mcorr on
Looking at the archived version of the page, before Daz bought the product (at least before it was sold as a Daz Originals, I don't know when Rarestone sold her products to Daz), the description is the same as the current one:
So it's likely the same licence requirements and opening a ticket is you best bet to get them (the requirements are likely a variation around "create the face you want, export as an OBJ and import back to create a morph" but I don't know if they are limitations around the nature of the products using the morph you just created -- some MR licences doesn't allow freebies from what I read).
The Wayback machine link you are listing is unhelpful because it is from 2019, but this product was offered (and I bought it) shortly after it was released on 8/17/2017. (In)conveninetly, there is no wayback machine page (404 message comes up) when trying to find the original 2017-2018 image captures.
The question therefore remains what exactly Rarestone's requirements were (which may or may not have been listed on one or all of the missing Wayback 2017-2018 pages).
If DAZ changed the requirements/restrictions upon acquiring this product, they undoubtedly became more restrictive, which would not apply to me since the original licensure provisions apply to me.
Hence, I am trying to ascertain what exactly those original provisions were.
I would appreciate hearing from anybody who definitely knows (perhaps even having bought the original package and used it for a to-be-sold character).
Hi i have them from2017 this is what it says
Over 390 Custom Sculpted Face Morphs created in Maya.
The "RS FMC Vol.1" can do full face overall morphs in addition to hundreds of smaller detail morphs.
This set is a fantastic companion to the Original Daz Genesis 8 Female Face Morphs and to make it even better this set is also a Merchant Resource!
Let's start to create our own top models today!
Thanks! Nothing about how those morphs need to be applied to safeguard his/her copyright. Hummmmmm ....
Actually it says a ton. It was a Merchant Resource and still is. Back in 2017 when I bought the sets, the artist never relinquished the copyright, they just licensed it out as a Merchant Resource and that is still how it is currently offered. The terms do not differ. So now DAZ Owns the copyright instead of Rarestone. But you bought it as a Merchant Resource (and today people can buy it as a Merchant Resource. This means you can use it for personal use. You can use it for 2d commercial use. You can add your own enhancements, and if those enhancements are significant like 50% plus, you can offer the enhanced version, for sale, providing it is not a competing item (it cannot be offered as a merchant resource). Sometimes there are limitations in the readme but the readme from 2017 and now seem to be identical. Most importantly, a merchant resource can never be a freebie. If in doubt submit a ticket and hopefully the godlings at Daz will reward you with the answers you seek.
We know it was then, and is still today, a Merchant Resource, so that is understood and not the issue. The issue is, as stated: what were the orignal MR usage instructions, which seem to always, unfailingly accompany MR products in order to avoid cobpright, EULA infringements.
For example (very, very, very, very fundamentally), does the original Rarestone package require the purchaser of my charcter to own the Rarestone package (in which case my character's shape would merely reference the Rarestone's morphs also owned by the purchaser), or can up to (for example) 5 morphs be added (in unbaked form) to my character, or can however many morphs be used, but they must be baked. And regardless of what is allowed, must the Character-for-sale give credit to Rarestone for the morphs?
These are fundamental MR questions, none of which seem answered in the documentation, nor by any of the helpful responders to my quiry.
A ticket it is, I guess, since there is no difinitive information forthcoming on how Rarestone required usuage of his/her MR product.
If I understand correctly, you want to have the MR Agreement for this product but unfortunately no Agreement is enclosed in RS' product package.
But if you have some similar product from Zev0, like 200 Plus, Shape Shift... etc,. there's a MR Agreement enclosed, and I believe the terms in there should also apply for other MR morphs products no matter from the vendor or Daz's perspective...
I think it's been said before in how MRs work the customer can't just turn around about sell a product using the morphs or texture sets unaltered. The MRs must have their changes "baked in" So a character you sell using the morphs has to have that locked in where customer can't access original morphs from the MR set as they would destroy the market for the MR set. You can add you own morphs or other MR morphs but you would only have the right to give customers access to your morphs via morph dials, no one elses. So you make Natasha character using MR. The morphs individually in the MR could not offered, only one morph for Natasha character. Likewise for texture material sets. They have to be altered, substantially enough, and the original textures not accessible unless customer buys the MR personally.
Unfortunately there is not a standard mechant resource license, so you can't take one from another PA as a guide to what the one for this product should be.
If the existing product page is unclear then all I can sugget is opening a Sales (I would think) support ticket.
Okay, if so, I'll regard this one from Zev0 as a minimum... Then we'll wait and see if there's anything added from Daz's perspective.