Moroccan Dreams for G1

Moroccan Dreams for Victoria 4 ( ), and
Moroccan Dreams for Michael 4 ( ),
, for use with Genesis1. Bonus points if it they can still use all the original generation 4 textures from various other products.
I would like to have those sets for G3 too!
I just had a go at converting them with Autofit; the results vary from "nearly right" to "sat on by a camel". A proper conversion (a rebuild might be necessary for the stuff that had to be peeled off the camel's anatomy) would be very much appreciated. I don't use Genesis3, though, and I suspect a proper G2 conversion might be a bit too much to ask.
I strongly support the claim for G2/G3 conversion! I'm looking for such awesome 1001-night-clothing for MALES since G1 came out.