DAZ Studio PRO Purchased Serial Number
Posts: 309
Way back in 2011 I purchased DAZ Studio Pro and, obviously, recieved a purchaased type serial number. Somewhere along the line in the updates, my serial number became a "FREE" type serial number, meaning that it starts with SDZFPRO. Therefore I have lost deceminator. I am now at version 4.9 Public Build and I cannot put in my purchased serial number. I put it in, but do not get the green arrow. I have put in a help ticket for this, but seeing that help takes a bit of time, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on this?
Do you have 4.8 installed? Does putting in the serial number work in 4.8?
I have 4.8 installed and it will not take the serial number either.
Make sure you don't have any extra spaces at the beginning or end of the serial number.
Nope, none of that!