New Movies B&W VS Color.

New Movies B&W VS Color
I have watched a couple of newer B&W and Chrome movies. The first was Road Warrior Fury Road, and I watched the color version when it came out. I have watched it about three times in Color. I sat down yesterday and watched the Black & Chrome Edition of the movie. It blew me away: the crisp images of the people flying around in the dust storm. Everything stood out.
Justice League: Justice Is Gray Edition didn't even come close to Mad Max, even though the movie was well done. Anything in Batman is supposed to be dark.
Some older folks who grew up watching B&W movies and shows here might have a take on this.
I know B&W and Chrome filmography are different in many ways.
We could not afford Color until the mid-70s. We were on commodities.
I've been experimenting with converting older renders to B&W recently, I think many of them look much better. It's like the colors create too much noise, in some way - too much information to process which distracts you from focusing on the actual motive.
I really enjoyed seeing Godzilla Minus One (Minus Color) in the theater.
The black and white really fit the time period of the movie (set in late-40s Japan), and it was also a nice way to pay tribute to the classic B&W Godzilla films of old.
Oh, I was not able to see the movie due to limited release, but I bet that B&W version was really cool to see.
Interesting, I was not aware there were any modern movies done in B&W.
I just watched that movie in color. I was unaware of the Minus Color. I have to check that out.