Question about using Ultrascatter Pro

I have had Ultrascatter Pro for a while now, but I have never been very good with it. At the moment, I'm trying to make a scene of a child playing with blocks. I want some of the blocks to be stacked in a pyramid shape, and others to be scattered around the floor. I think I can scatter the loose ones by using a plane primitive under them, but I have no idea how to stack a pyramid. Any time I try to use the matrix scatter options, all I get is a bunch of blocks tightly packed into a giant cube, with no way to move any of them around individually to change the shape (if I even get that, most of the time it just leaves me with one lone block). So does anyone know how to: 1 - Use Ultrascatter Pro to make a block pyramid, and/or 2: make it so that the instances are separate so that I can move them around after scattering?
1) Unfortunately, you can't combine matrix and volume limits at the same time, but for the *specific* case of a pyramid, you might be able to position a camera to use the restrict to camera option.
2) Edit -> Object -> Instances -> Break Instance Group.
Thank you so much for helping! 1 - I don't really know what any of that means, I am so sorry! I think I have some kind of mental block about this product, I am horrible with it. I'm guessing though that it means I can't make a pyramid (at least not easily). Rats. 2 - Ah, that's exactly what I need! I should be able to make it work with that, starting with my "cube of cubes", and manually make it into a pyramid XD Thanks again!