in d-formers what does this thing do?

in The Commons
In using general dformers in Daz I was curious what the pictured thing does as I've yet to really utilize it. Please try to be simple with your explanation and how it might be used thx.

1920 x 1080 - 273K
This video should help:
Explained mostly in the 2-4 min range in case you don't want to watch the whole thing.
I assume by the pictured thing, you mean the "target" selected in your screenshot. That's just a parent for the d-former to visually show you where your object will be deformed from. The deformer will influence the mesh relative to where the base is placed and the field represents the area of influence, more influence towards the center and less on the edges.
The Base (target) is the centre point for any scaling or rotation that the dForm applies. However the dForm node is transformed relative to the base is the transfomration applied to the targeted mesh, where the dForm strength is 100%.
I meant the arrow pointing thing. Sorry I wasnt clear before.
The "arrow thing" is the visual representation of the actual dFormer, you will move / rotate / scale... that part to alter the mesh.