WISH-UPON70 Code not working

in The Commons
Following on from yesterday's almost-identical thread with WISHFUL etc, this code is not (yet) working today. All sale criteria have been checked and my cart complies.
for me it dont work too since yesterday
Seems to be working fine for me now. You posted right at changeover so please try again.
Doesn't work for me either, of course this stops me buying anything because I was tempted, thanks for saving me oodles of cash Daz I will now remove everything from my basket.
Be sure they are Daz + products and the sale doesn't stack with any other discount
The only way I've found to find sale items is to sort through my wishlist is to filter by artist (daz original) and scroll through looking for the "+" sign.
A sort by DAZ+ would be very helpful for wishlist sales days.
While I'm here, I'd also like a "sort by sale %" filter. A 70% off a $150 bundle doesn't show up in the low to high sort until the middle pages, and I have ~2000 items in my wishlist.
There is a checkbox for solting by Daz+ items
I'm glad they fixed it! I had quite a few DAZ+ items on my wishlist, and now I'm looking forward to using them finally.
I'll post this here too. I tried to use the coupon WISH-UPON70, but it doesn't work, the same way as WISHFUL70. It does not add a discount to the DAZ+, even if they have been on the wishlist for a long time. At this point I wonder what I'm doing wrong. Am I using the wrong coupon?
That code was from yesterday and no longer valid today
Thank you frank0314.:)