Diffeomorphic - custom morphs never imported. And what are favorite morphs?
At the moment I struggle a lot when it comes to get morphs / expressions into Blender. The point is the following: like explained here I found out some time ago that you can use poses / expressions / morphs like 100 Must Have Expressions for Genesis 8 Male(s) in Blender acidentally as I'd checked "import missing moprhs" when I imported a pose I've made in daz into Blender. This lead to an import of many custom morphs which then showed up under "Custom Morphs" in the Daz Runtime tab. I now completely fail in getting these morphs into Blender by purpose.
What I do: Import a character into Blender and then go to "Daz Setup" (tab) > "Morphs" and here I've tried "Import custom morphs" > go the the folder with all the duf files with the expressions and chose "Import custom morphs". But even when I choose a specific file nothing happens: Under "Daz Runtime" (tab) > "Morphs" I now find "Custom morphs" but it is empty.
I also tried to add all these expressions to my favorites in Daz by right clicking and choosing "add to favorites" and then I've tried to use the button "Import DAz favorites" in Blender - no success. I also wonder what this "Add to favorites" within Daz really does... I can't even find the favorite expressions anywhere.
Can somebody give me a hint?
Well, IIRC, I've explained such an "issue" in another thread ~ The expressions from 100 Must... product are all Pose Controls dials rather than Morphs. So, Import Custom Morphs function doesn't import any of them.
You did correctly in terms of using Favorites in DS, but also have to check Fase Units (this product use Face Units rather than FACS...) when Easy Import. Then Import Expressions from Runtime tab, locate an expression preset file to load.... or directly dial one in Favorites list.
Thank you for this clarification. Is there any way for me to find out if an expressions product for DazStudio uses pose ccontrols or morphs? For this specific product I already saw that the sliders can be found under "pose controls" section in Parameters tab - so I guess this might be a hint?!
With the way that you suggest I only can import one expression which is directly applied to the rig / mesh. I have no sliders / dialers and I cannot mix the expressions. So the only way would be to mix the expressions in Daz and save this as a new pose preset. As I already had these face expressions in Blender as sliders under the "Custom morphs" tab I still think that there must be a way to get them all into the blender file?!
another question: Are you sure that these expressions are not morphs? When I apply an expression in Blender bei using "DAZ runtime" > "Import Expression" on the character I see the expression. But when I want to remove this expression I need to use the button "Clear morphs" - when I click "CLear pose" the expression stays. It seems that Diffeo still thinks that the expressions are morphs?!
Yes, that's right. You may also check Parameter Settings of the property by clicking that Gear Icon, you'll see Path and Type showing it's a Pose Control property ~~
As for 2nd point, you should mark all Pose Control properties into Favorites in DS... then import and mix them in Blender.
Yes, I'm pretty sure. Pls check the below screenshot ~
So when you import Custom Morph with Diffeo, this type of Properties won't be imported. But Diffeo places these Favorites dials under "Custom Morph" list, so as per my understanding, that's why only Clear Morphs works on it. Clear Pose action clears rotation values on joints rather than such Expression control dials...
A duf file is not a custom morph, it may be a pose thus to load with "import pose" in "daz runtime > posing". Custom morphs are dsf files. Of course daz favorites don't work for poses. You may also look at the blender console if you get any error (windows > toggle system console) and eventually increase the error verbosity (daz setup > global settings > verbosity).
Thank you guys for the clarification so far. With your help I found a way to get these (for me very helpful) pose controls into Blender!
About the Daz favorites: I've managed to actually get the expression / pose control into Blender as a slider under "Custom morphs" by defining the pose control as a favorite in Daz and checking "Daz favorites" in easy import in Blender / Diffeo. What I needed to realize is that you set the favorites in Daz for each character on it's own. It's not a kind of general / global setting what I've assumed before. On the one hand this seems quite good to pick only individual pose controls for each character which may help to give the character an individual appearance and behavior. On the other hand (in my case) I just need a wide range of pre-defined expressions to mix them...
So my remaining very nitpicking questions are: a) is there a way in daz to add multiple pose controls as favorites at once? At the moment I only see this function when right-clicking on a slider with edit mode disabled. As soon as I enable edit mode which allows to select multiple controls I don't have the "add to favorites" function. And b) can I re-use the favorites for other characters within daz? I found out that you can save these controls with diffeo from within Blender: Under Daz Setup > Morphs > Save Favorite Morphs a JSON file is saved which can be loaded to another character I've imported to Blender with diffeo so at least this could save me from the right-clicking on many controls in daz for each character but I wonder if daz itself allows to re-use a favorites list for other characters?!
Personally I'm not an expert on the daz interface, since I use daz only to export. As for diffeomorphic I can confirm it is as you discovered yourself, that you save favorite morphs.
Q a) You were on the right way but could you find Favorites in RMB-click menu ? Then just add them to Favorites. (ss1)
Q b) You can use a Character Preset, i.e. add frequently-used Pose Controls or whatever morphs to Favorites firstly to a Genesis Base figure, save it as a Character Preset. Then each time you want to customize a new character, load the Character Preset rather than default Genesis Base figure or any Character Preset from Products. For the existing Character, you have to manually add them to Favorites. Daz Script can certainly do this task... but I don't know if there's any existing ones.
Usually, it's a piece of cake to add 100 ~ 200 properties to Favorites by batch edit, but actually you never have to use that many.
oh man... I oversaw the "Add to favorites" menu item when right clicking on the sliders in daz...
good idea, character presets...
Thank you guys very much!