The attachment bug is back again.

in The Commons
... tried to attach an image to a post a short while ago only to get the infiniute "Uploading" message again. I thouhgt this was fixed a year or so ago..
It's odd how they manage to break things they didn't obviously have to touch at all.
...exacty. Cost about anfair amount of time out of my afternoon to find a way around this to post an image of a computer configuration summary to help someomne. In the end it probably would have taken less time to manually transcribe the information even with my stiff arthritic hands and dyslexia.
This has been reported.
...thank you.
The intermittent "failure to send email when a starred thread has been responded to" also seems to be back. That and the upload problem seem to go hand in hand.
Yes, I haven't gotten any emails from my subscribed threads since early this afternoon.
Me either.
It has been many years now since anybody has been able to receive email or post a picture. The children have been coping well. They've learned to sing again, and they imagine all of the pictures they can't see. Perhaps, in a way, this new return to the dark ages is the best thing that could have happened. A renaissance of sorts. Long live the renaissance.
The system was given a bit of percussive maintenance last night.
Seems resolved ~
...with a rubber mallet?
That was a short renaissance. The kids are stupid again.
Working for me right now
It's not currently working for me.
EDIT: It's not currently working in Safari. Just tried another browser, and it worked first try.
...indeed tired to attach an image Friday night and it's still broken. Tried again a few minutes ago, same result.
Odd though, as on Saturday I was able to attach the "line break" image I created a while back (as the underline function in this font looks stupid) which I use as a separator.
For some mysterious reason this is still happening with images.
I'm long retired from corporate computer tweaking. But that was back when computers were big, dumb, and sane, but they did need nudging once in a while. Although, I'm afraid that if I were dealing with modern, neurotic, finicky systems I'd switch out rubber for steel, for some proper clobberin'.
The functionality to upload images does seem to come and go in the forums. But, I discovered something unusual yesterday. I had responded to a forum post earlier in the week and tried to attach a screen capture image but it would not take. I tried several times that day and in each of the following two days or so. Still, no joy. I use Snagit (Tech Smith) to capture screen images and then save as a JPG file to upload. I’ve had no problems uploading those images in the past. Yesterday, as a test, I attached a different test JPG image (created with Snagit) to that same forum post and it took. Hmmm, I thought. So, I recreated the screen that I wanted to capture and upload, closed Snagit and used the built-in Windows Print Screen feature to capture the image to the Clipboard. I pasted the Clipboard save into Windows Paint, saved the image as a JPG and attempted to attach it to my post. It worked! Again, Hmmm …
So, I went hack to the Snagit saved JPG, opened it in Paint and saved it as a JPG with a slightly different name. I got a popup window stating that transparency would be lost. I thought that was a bit unusual since JPGs don’t have transparency as far as I know. The newly saved JPG with no transparency uploaded to the post.
I have seen posts with PNG files uploaded and those do have a transparency channel.
Hmmm …