Lianna 9 HD Eyebrows White

in The Commons
When I load Lianna 9 HD her eyebrows are white and render white. If I apply the Lianna 9 Eyelashes and Brow materials the eyebrows STILL render white. Where am I going wrong here?
Which version of Daz Studio is this?
Have you updated your Default Resources recently? I can't remember if you have to be on 4.22 to use the new OmniHair shader, but that might be the case.
I am running Richard.
Gordig, The only updates I have done are ones pushed to me by DAZ.
Gordig, can the Dfoult Resource be manually updated? If so, should I?
Okay. I see. It's not just Lianna's eyebrows. All Omni Hair renders white regardless of what color I apply to it. What causes that?
The Default Resources are a separate package in DIM.
I found them in the "installed" section of the DIM. So, I have them installed.
Do you let DIM auto update them? You'll have Default Resources installed alongside a previous Studio build. If you've updated Studio, you'll need to update those resources too. If you have let DIM auto-update, then it sounds like something went wrong with the install. Can you try uninstalling and reinstalling that package?
Hi Silent Winter. Thanks for your help. I get automatic updates for all my other installed content so, my guess is the Default Resources would as well, correct?
I will try that. I will uninstall them and reinstall and see what happens. Thanks.
I uninstalled and reinstalled the Default Resources to no avail. I still get white eyebrows.
The strange thing about this is that I see a color in the Texture Shaded view and in the NVidia Iray view I see white eyebrows with a hint of color behind the white. But they render white.
I do have another DS install. Version Don't know how to update it.
I can't figure this out. When I got a notice of a reply I clicked the link and saw it. Butif I come looking at my discussions, I don't see the last replies. Weird.
My mistake. Different thread. One that is not showing in "My Discussions".