Strange issue with posing eyes

josiahmora20josiahmora20 Posts: 83
edited June 2024 in The Commons

I finished my character then noticed when i tried to pose her using powerpose that the eyes didnt look like they were aligned with each other anymore. I'm using Nateli.  I restored the figure pose and have been playing around with all the morphs but none are causing the issue. Her eyes look cenetered when everything is reset, but when I move them side to side they look off, and if i use powerpose the go out of sync with one another (the more i move and let go of the eye group the more off from one another they become). If I change Eye Resting Focal Point to 0% they don't loose sycn in powerpose but they still look off when moving them around and now they arent looking straight ahead. can anyone help?


Update: I just created a new character using Natali and the eyes don't work either. I guess it's this model... is there a way to fix this problem manually?

Post edited by josiahmora20 on


  • dtrscbrutaldtrscbrutal Posts: 521


    That is indicative of a rigging issue. Make sure you dial in your morph then rig figure to shape and ERC freeze before posing.

    More info here.

  • Thank you! by the way this is the model in question:

    Yeah so I think I figured it out, honestly this character is a mess. It looks like they had scaled the X for the eyes and the over all scale as well to try to get the eye balls to fit correctly in the sockets. I reset that and just played with morphs to get the socets more even and now it seems to work. I didn't however solve the problem with the eyes going wonky when using the powerpose window, but after restting the scale on the eye's and also have to turning eye resting focal point to 0% it looks pretty close. Not sure why 0% seems to lock the eyes together though..


    I had also tried what you suggested with "Adjust Rigging To Shape" but it didnt solve anything.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122
    edited June 2024

    I think probably the author did not do "Adjust Eye Rigging" on this G9 character's morph property. You may try doing it to see if the issue could be fixed...

    Before doing this action, firstly ERC Bake on the head morph of the character. If the issue is gone after Adjusing... ERC Freeze on the head morph.


    931 x 1388 - 153K
    Post edited by crosswind on
  • crosswind said:

    I think probably the author did not do "Adjust Eye Rigging" on this G9 character's morph property. You may try doing it to see if the issue could be fixed...

    Before doing this action, firstly ERC Bake on the head morph of the character. If the issue is gone after Adjusing... ERC Freeze on the head morph.


    Thanks for the advice! can you explain what you mean by ERC Freeze on the head? the morphs under "Actor"?

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    Yes, the head morph property the vendor made, just like the head morph of the character you bought from Daz store....

    2018 x 1392 - 1M
  • got it, thanks

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