To upgrade or not upgrade?

I've been on DAZ 4.16 for the longest time, mainly because all my scenes have been made using Iray Ghost Light Kit 2 which became broken in more recent versions of DAZ, I think the problem started with 4.20. However, if I recall correctly DAZ 4.16 doesn't work too well with more recent versions of the NVIDIA driver, and I'm concerned that sticking to the old driver may cause problems in the future for my PC. But at the same time, I remember trying out a later version of DAZ and the Auxiliary Viewport didn't work for 3Delight, and that's a no-no because I have some past images in 3DL that I wish to amend. So I'm wondering if the most recent DAZ 4.22 and 4.23 beta have fixed the problem with Iray Ghost Light 2. If not, is there some sort of 'conversion factor' for the most recent version of Iray Ghost Light, such that my old scenes made with Ghost Light 2 can still be rendered exactly as they were in DAZ 4.22/4.23? What about the aux viewport for 3DL in these later versions?


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