Dem Bones -- or is it joints? posing by adding or subtracting joints

in The Commons
One of the things I was thinking about was posing in DS..let's use G9 character. The figure looks a lot unnatural when its posed, lying down especially. The human body bends along the backbone. It is pretty flexible with multiple joints. G9 has 4 joints in the back, I believe. If we would add a few more, would the body bend along those joints or would it still only bend in those original 4 regions? I would be hoping it would bend, which would make the body more natural when lying on a chaise or similar.
Is there a tutorial on working with the joints? Or are they called bones?
Bones can be added with the joint editor, but they would then need weightmapping to have any effect - which would of course remove weight from the existing bones, so any poses that used those would not work as intended (and you would need to save the result as a new figure asset).
...would this also work for hair?
Note also that it would also remove compatibility with any clothing weighted to the original skeleton.
If it wasn't going to cause me a million problems, I would love to re-rig the centaurs to make them more flexible for my renders, but it would indeed cause me a million problems.
well, that's all so sad. I guess nude it would be then.
You probably just need more corrective / flexion morphs (something similar to the morphs in Bend Control, UNBM.. products...) rather than more Bones.
Technically, yes, BUT... for something like hair, it's generally much easier to get the same effect in post using photoshop's puppet warp.