Morph not working properly


I am trying to add morphs to this skirt I made. The morph should be a "back out" but instead it is going up and tearing.

Any advice is appreicated:

V4 character, morphed in ZBrush using GOZ

cheerio  lululee


  • lululee1lululee1 Posts: 343


  • lululee1lululee1 Posts: 343

    Here's the image

    1029 x 966 - 92K
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Is the figure morphed? If so make sure that you enable Rreverse Deformations when importing the morph, otherwise it will "double up" the effect of the morphs already applied.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    When GoZ in DS, you ticked "Export with deformations" ?

  • lululee1lululee1 Posts: 343


    Thanks soooo much for both of your help. It is now working.

    Cheerio   lululee

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