Colonial Nightgown for Genesis 2 Female?

Has anyone seen or possibly considered creating a nightgown in the style that a woman would wear during the Colonial America period, about the year 1690-1700. It should be modest, no plunging necklines or revealing or form-fitting styles. Just a loose, long-sleeved nightshirt or flannel nightgown of that period?
There's a passable free one at Wilmap's site.
You'll need an account there to download (also free).
The morphing fantasy dress can take on plenty of looks, just with a chnage in textures and there are plenty of those, both to buy and free.
I came up with several hundred free ones when doing a search for another thread, add in the pay for ones and there are literally a thousand++ new 'looks' for the MFD. Plus all versions (except one...for Steph 3(?)) can use the SAME texture there is a good chance that there may already be textures for the look you are wanting.
There is also this one for K4, I'm not sure if it will autofrit well to other figures or not:
There's this list here too
You are correct, textures for the Stephanie 3 version will not work with any of the others.
V4 and later are basically all I've ever used the the generation 3 versions I'm not 100% sure about. A
As an aside, I've used lots of Chohole's MFD sets on the Genesis version with very nice results.