Build your own heels for G9
Posts: 1,022
I would love to see a versitile G9 product for heeled shoes like this one for sandals:
G9 does not have a lot of good heel options, and I've had abysmal luck getting ones from previous generations to work.
I don't know if such a product exist, but you may find some shoes you like here:
Wouldn't really work for my applications, but thanks for the suggestions.... maybe they'll help someone else who stumbles on this thread. :)
Sadly I've gone through every clothing option for G9, and the sold-separately heels are all pretty chunky and/or platform-style (or just odd). There are a few that would work that are sold with an outfit... but it's an outfit I'd never use, and I hate to pay for all that just to get the shoes.
G8 has a rather stunning array of heels in all types; it's just sad there's so little for G9.
You might want to post examples of what you are looking for since I find G9 to have quite a lot of heels, especially the ones in those links that were posted.
There's a very old (Posette & V2 vintage) set that you may be able to do something with
Argh, okay, I've been trying for two weeks to get the time to do a proper example list of what I'd like based on the G8 offerings, but it just isn't happening.
Basically... dancing shoes. Elegant, strappy, thin sole, with a graceful (vs "chunky") heel.
Here are a couple from G8 outfit sets I have that are of the general vibe:
It just occurred to me that it would be cool to have something of that genre, but like that sandal set I linked ( ) so that there was a the ability to customize from one product instead of needing to have a whole bunch of different products. Different confirgurations for the straps, open/closed toe, buckle around the ankle (or not), different shapes/widths/heights for the heels...
(And the irony is that I am totally not a "shoe girl" and have never even owned a pair of heels. But one of my characters is, so here we are.)
Something along those lines, yes! But for G9, so I don't have to beat my head against a wall for eternity to try to get the blasted thing to work.
As I mentioned higher up, I've had horrible luck getting previous generations of shoes to sit properly on G9 feet.
Shoes, especially high-heels, tends to be a pain to convert between Generation even ones as close to each other as Genesis 3 and Genesis 8 and autofit usually makes a mess of them.
The heels seems higher than what you want and they are full outfits but who knows:
Must admit Arryn/Onnel tend to be my go-to vendors for elegant shoes (I still tend to use G3/8). However, they don't seem to have produced all that much for G9 compared to their rate of offerings for G8F. Never noticed that before. Shame. And the G9 offerings are a bit chunky too, though the heels in the 'Ella Outfit' are sorta-OK. Sorry I can't be more help.
Yeah, not quite, but thank you. I do have a few full outfits WL'ed because of the shoes, but like I mentioned... would rather not buy a whole outfit for one pair of shoes.
That was mostly why I started this thread... it's a gap for G9, and maybe some vendor who doesn't realize it would feel inspired to corner the market. :)
maybe these
Thank you! Those'll work for now. :) (Still hoping for an options kit someday so not everybody's wearing the same shoes, though!)