Daz Studio deficiencies

Genesis 3 figures only work in DS (Please inform me if this is not true). This is extremely short sighted, in that a lot of people including me want to use their created characters in other applications besides DS.
DS does not support Dynamic cloth that is compatible with other software. DS only supports Optitex dynamic clothing which is only supported apparently by Optitex software and DS. This limits wide scale use of the DS figures.The Optitex software that can produce dynamic clothing is extremely pricey (roughly $15K, you could buy a copy of both 3dsMax and Maya for this) which puts it out reach of most DS vendors. This apparently explains why the only Daz dynamic clothing comes from Optitex.
Overall, Daz3D has a very parochial attitude regarding their products. You can look at vendors of figures for high end 3D applications, and DS is not mentioned whereas Poser is. YOU can draw your own conclusions about this.
Anyone who wants to put the time and effort into a plug in for dynamic clothing is free and no doubt encouraged to do so.. Daz is not standing in anyones way on that one. Thus far no takers. No doubt Daz would love to have its figures work in Poser but poser does not support the type of rigging they use. It is by the not "owned" by Daz so that is not any sort of obstacle to poser adding it.
Umm...most Daz sold clothing of the conforming variety can, with some work, be made dynamic in just about anything that has its own dynamics engine. It's a mesh...it can be made dynamic (some very easily, some with more work).
Except, ironically, within Studio itself. It's actually EASIER to use Studio dynamic or conforming clothing made dynamic in OTHER programs than it is in Studio.
I guess I should clarify my position. I am not concerned about getting Daz clothing to work in other applications but in getting .obj type clothing from other vendors to work in DS. I really like the IRAY renderer; no doubt helped by my NVIDIA graphics card, and would like to be able to do my renders in DS. Of course, the other side of this problem is that other vendors i.e. Poser, Iclone., etc. do not support Genesis 3 figures which are REALLY,REALLY good. The result is that right now I am between a rock and hard place.