Image series setting on render settings?
Hi folks, This morning I created a still render and the program wanted to name the image before making it.
I played along and discovered 30 images had been made.
I checked the render settings and noticed that 'still image' was now set on 'Image series'.
Kinda neat, but, how would someone use this setting to their creative advantage?
It's an alternative to rendering an animation straight to a video file. It has several advantages;
If the process crashes, you can resume from the last full render
If a frame or group of frames has an error you can redo those without having to redo the whole lot
If you save to PNG or TIff you get an alpha channel to make compositing easier
You can render a long animation in steps and assemble it at the end
not sure if your aware,but theres a free program called VirtualDub that will animate you images. It seems more of a hassle then regular animation,however if you have alot of render crashes,or create a split image animation it could be useful