AI in DAZ studio what makes sense what are the fears?

All this fuzz about AI confuses me. Not shure how to judge. Some say, AI destroys the individual artistic aproach it is an enemy to artists. Some say it is a usefull invention. Lately I was philosophering (surprise) about what could makes sense what would insult me, the creative director of all my software.

Don't know, for example, how AI in animations could work. I spend really much time on the animation process and AI seems handy to me - just telling her: "make a ministry of silly walk" and . bamm! - you get it. But on character creation - the fun part - I think I don't need AI's opinion, really don't care for her aesthetic taste.

May I ask: what's your opinion about AI? Where do you see benefits, where do you see malodourus regarding the future of DAZ studio?


  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,214

    Moved to Daz AI Studio.

  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,145
    edited September 1

    I don't mind AI, and have used it to edit my renders or to create thumbnails for things I want to draw. AI will never replace my own desire to have a hand in my own creations. Just like how using DAZ Studio will never be a substitute for drawing because it is it's own thing.

    What I don't like is how others use it. Some treat it as a game, since they are basically gambling to get a good image and think that this gambling is the same as taking hours with planning and illustrating a single picture. The use clearly seems to encourage a quantity over quality mentality, especially among people who have never enjoyed the act of illustration. The people making these AI images upload large volumes of it. As a result, AI images have now polluted search engines and it's difficult to find a good reference image. (Perhaps, of these uploaders had any consideration for quality, maybe if they edited their results so they wouldn't be warped/deformed, the pollution would seem more tasteful.)

    In regards to DAZ Studio, DAZ AI should've been one of those AIs where you upload an image (ideally a render) and it bases the pic it makes on it. The user then determines the intensity of the original image and/or prompt. I feel like this would've been good for people with weaker PCs, people who don't own a lot of assets, or people who are trying to get inspiration by seeing their own work remixed.

    Post edited by MimicMolly on
  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,819
    edited September 1

    In regards to DAZ Studio, DAZ AI should've been one of those AIs where you upload an image (ideally a render) and it bases the pic it makes on it. The user then determines the intensity of the original image and/or prompt. I feel like this would've been good for people with weaker PCs, people who don't own a lot of assets, or people who are trying to get inspiration by seeing their own work remixed.



    Yes agree completely!!
    For me the best use case for generative AI is to restyle renders of my existing works
    with consistent coherency

    hopefully we will soon have the ability to render out a screen play blast  and have AI restyle those frames to look like fully rendered  frames in various styles.

    I took some frame grabs, from my last two animated film projects, and restyled them with AI
    I hope soon we will have the ability to do this for our entire animated (or even live action) movies

    Post edited by wolf359 on
  • I'd say make up your own mind. There will always be people who aren’t happy with anything.

    This is a DAZ AI Studio forum where most people share similar views so that no one will criticize you here. But out on the internet, as I mentioned, you'll find both supporters and haters.


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