Change the Content library

After I installed DAZ Studio 4.9 I tried the new Smart Content feature. For tests I download a few products throu the tab. When I viewed the folder where the content was installed it was a different folder as my normal content library is. I searched for a way to change the folder direction but did not find it.
Where can I change the folder for the content library that I can use the smart content with my library?
As far as I can see the Connect feature uses the same path that DIM uses. I also use a different path than standard for my Library and Connect installed everything in the correct place.
In Edit > Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager there's a separate item for where to install Daz Connect items, the default is "My Daz Conect Library"
I was only able to edit the content location it would not let me add a new one.
You can have only one location set at any time, but you can switch them at will and as long as they are also DAZ Studio content directories the installed content will still work.
This had me stumped for ages, but I finally worked out how to do it.
Edit -> Preferences -> Content -> Content Directory Manager
This is the default root directory
C:\Users\blah\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio
But I wanted everything in
D:\DAZ 3D\Studio
So I changed all the directories in the tree to my new locations on D:.
Naturally, this broke all the Daz Connect metadata. To fix this, you simply copy the meta directory from the default location to the new location e.g.
Copy this
C:\Users\blah\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Daz Connect Library\data\cloud\meta
To here
D:\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Daz Connect Library\data\cloud\meta
Now all the thumbnails in the content library are fixed and I could install them as before, but in my desired location.
I am running out of room on my C: drive, and I really want to install many things I have purchased for Genesis...later versions that do not work in Poser. Plus, I want to learn DS and use those items.
So, while I love being able to use products that connect to the internet, I am worried that I might want to play and Daz might be down or something.
I have libriaries all over the place for Poser. I know Poser.
However, I feel learning DS would be just the most awesome thing. The best new clothes are DS only...IRAY renders are just making me crazy with hurt that I don't know DS.
Therefore, I am going to learn DS. I may not ever be as good as you guys....but, the products that are DS only are just taking my breath away.
I am going to try to move my DAZ library to my external hard drive and try to point DS to it using this post!!
Connect is used to isntall content, once installed the content iss till on your system and can be used off line. Connect does, bandwidth permitting, make it easy to swap things in and out of course - but so does DIM. Do you have a second, larger, drive? You can place content there as well as or even instead of the default locations on C:, however you actually install.
I've tried everything I can find in this thread and in the DAZ help and I can't get DIM to put content exclusively on my D: drive. I'm using DAZ3D Studio 4.10. I have been able through DIM to have files downloaded to my D: drive and I've been able to install Studio and Hex to my D: drive and they work fine. I have installed, uninstalled, deleted, and re-installed about 10 times now.
The problem is that when I install content, it insists on putting it on the C: drive. I was able to get some of the data to show up on D: but the json files still show up on my C: drive and very quickly fill it up. I changed the paths in DIM. I went to edit/preferences and changed the library paths as well. Most of what I've found on here is written about previous versions of Studio. Is there a step-by-step set of directions to get all the library content to show up on another drive that works with 4.10? I've tried this now on my desktop and it didn't work (fortunately I have a bigger SSD there so it's not as big a deal) and I really need to get it to work on my laptop which is what I've been trying more recently.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Please post screen shots of the Installation tab in DIM's preferences (gear icon at top-right) and the content directories in DS (Edit>Prefrences>Content>Content Directory Manager, then expand to get the paths under the Current set)