But I Already BOUGHT that! Didn't I..?

For the last three days I’ve been experiencing two issues with the site.

First, the cheerfully persistent “accept cookies” banner is back.  On every page.  Again.  I’m actually not too surprised this is back because apparently nobody ever really understood why it wouldn’t go away even when you clicked “accept”, so I’m sure nobody will understand why it went on vacation for many weeks and has now returned to me.  Personally, I think it’s the universe’s way of saying, “Hey, slow down, buddy!  You don’t need to be spending so much money on this stuff!”

Second, when I buy a product (yes, I KNOW, universe, just shut up for a minute, wouldja) it no longer shows up as “purchased”.  So that means if I’m not paying attention, I can continue to buy something I already own again and again and again.  While this is a deucedly clever marketing technique, it also seems like the universe is once again telling me, “Jeez, just go outside and play with the dog or something.  They already have ENOUGH of your money!”  At the risk of this being another “accept cookies” conundrum, does anyone have any idea why this might be happening?  Thanks ever!


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,556

    Try clearing your DAZ3D site cookies. This has worked for more than one user.

  • QuasarQuasar Posts: 651

    Yeah, deleting the cookies worked for me in the past when the cookies notification popped up all the time.

    As for the store not recognizing your purchases, that is probably an issue you will have to report directly to Daz. If you can find the product in your "My Orders" history and send Daz the order number, they should be able to fix the store link to it. I can't say for sure, but I may have paid more than once for a few products here because of that. It's very time consuming to go back through past order invoices to check every one for the products I think I bought already. And the product library doesn't help if the product isn't linked to your past purchase invoices. I wish they had a way to do word searches through all the invoices at once.

  • If you refresh or clear cookies and the store still doesn't say you have that item, then you may need to contact DAZ. But. The store page not loading enough to reflect that you have the item already is an issue that I have had and have seen many people report on the forums. It is very, very likely that is the only issue you have here, not that your account no longer has that item listed in your purchase history, just that the store pages aren't displaying correctly.

  • I cleared the cookies on my Firefox browser and did a restart, but that doesn't seem to have solved either situation.  I mean, that would have cleared *all* my site cookies, right?

    I've purchased 20 products since 9/2/24 and none of them are showing up as "purchased".  Every other product in my 245 pages worth of bought products in my Product Library IS showing up as "purchased".

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,556

    Have you tried another browser?

  • Refreshing the page, once, twice or thrice, usually brings up the 'purchased' flag if indeed it was purchased. There are some products that bear close resemblence to other products in the store too.

  • Catherine3678ab said:

    Refreshing the page, once, twice or thrice, usually brings up the 'purchased' flag if indeed it was purchased. There are some products that bear close resemblence to other products in the store too.

    I've noticed exactly that, as well. On the second refresh, it usually shows up as purchased. But a few times, I re-purchased assets I already owned before I realized what was happening.

  • Are they showing up in your product library though on the site? Otherwise what you're describing sounds like this https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/8829256/#Comment_8829256
  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979
    edited September 2024

    I tested, opening the product page for Eastern Steampunk, it did say "Purchased".  Then I tried adding it to the cart which worked, I then clicked X to remove it from the pop-up cart again. When I closed the pop-up cart the product page now said "Add to cart" instead of "Purchased".  A few seconds later it jumped to Eastern Steampunk in my Product Library.  When I clicked back to the product page, it still said "Add to cart" (and still does).

    Post edited by Taoz on
  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,407
    edited September 2024

    The accuracy of the store pages showing whether or not we own things is one matter, the one we're talking about [or at least I am] are the actual product pages from which one should either see "Add to Cart" or "Purchased" as a nice big red button.

    {and yes they are in our Account's Product Library if they had been purchased.}

    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • So I used my iPad to go check on the status of the products I had purchased since 9/2/24 and I had neither the "accept cookies" banner issue nor the problem with the purchased products not being flagged as "purchased".

    I also checked using Chrome instead of Firefox (which is my favored browser).  On Chrome I still have the problem of the never-go-away "accept cookies" banner, however the issue of the purchased products being improperly flagged is gone.

    Unfortunately, Firefox is the browser I like to use and do my Daz shopping with, and both issues are still present.  Now, the banner DID go away for a couple of months on its own before, so maybe that'lll happen again.  God knows there doesn't seem to be anything I can do to make it happen.  I suppose it's possible the other issue will just correct itself in time, as well.  Until that happens all I can do is grind my teeth down to nubs, I reckon.

    And Catherine is correct above.  I can go to my Product Library page, click on "View Product Page" on a listed product I've purchased since 9/2, and it shows "Add to Cart" instead of "Purchased".

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    The cookie popup problems are probably because Daz is using a third party service for the popup and it may be affected by ones browser settings for third party cookies and connections
    I disabled the third party server as offending and haven't seen it since.

    At the moment the DazDeals is not working for me (on Chrome) and I think that has something to do with products not showing whether I have bought them or not, sometimes refreshing the page with CTRL+SHIFT+R refreshes the correct information, but not always.
    This problem may also be caused by Daz making changes to the site, and using us as dummies for testing - Usually they are not making the changes to everybody, but just for some and they may be testing other things at the same time on another group to make everything easy to track down and solve.

  • ReneWReneW Posts: 149

    I had the same problem last week and even put a ticket in for it.  When nothing worked, I tried logging out of my Daz account and then logged back in and it now shows all the items I bought as "purchased".  I still get the annoying cookie banner, though.

  • Well, that's what I get for overthinking.  Yes, ReneW wins the Kewpie doll for pointing me to the equivalent of having a tech guy from Bombay (named Rusty) ask me if I tried turning it off and then back on.  After smirking and muttering, "Yeah, sure, *that'll* work", I logged out of my Daz account and then back in.  Not only are all my products flagged as "Purchased" again, but the "accept cookies" banner is gone.  Holy bovine!

    I love you deeply, ReneW.  I'm presently married (for several decades), so I can't promise you an idyllic life together for all of eternity, but I figure we can meet up for tawdry and meaningless flings at Six Flags.  Or something...I dunno, I've been outta the dating pool for so long I don't know what counts as appealing.

    And, honestly, thank you.  =)

  • Okay, spoke too soon on the "accept cookies" banner.  That's back.  I'm not even going to feign surprise, though, because...  *sigh*  Forget it, Jake.  It's Chinatown.

    I still love ReneW.

  • ReneWReneW Posts: 149
    edited September 2024

    You are very welcome, draine761_c7a1098aa1.  Well, at least part of the problem has been solved.  Now we just have to figure out that pesky "accept cookies" banner.  Loved your post, by the way. :)

    Post edited by ReneW on
  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979
    edited September 2024

    Until today I hadn't noticed any issues with product pages not showing the "Purchased" button for products I own (I can see it in my database records after purchase, if it happens).  Today however it happened with my latest order - a bundle from the Lightning Deals page. 

    Before purchasing the bundle, I checked all 7 items, and their pages all said none of them was purchased.  I did notice two items which seemed familiar to me, but since I haven't had this íssue before, I thought it was me that remembered wrong, and trusted what the store said.  However, when checking after purchase, it appeared that I actually already had purchased these two products a while ago.  Checking the store again, they now (including the others) appeared as Purchased, as they should.  

    I've noticed another issue with the Lightning Deals page - if a single item on that page is part of a bundle, that item (as the only one) very often have a swirlie instead of its product icon, on the product page for the bundle it's part of.  I suspect that the missing "Purhased" buttons on the items in the bundle I purchased today is related to that in some way - that they only showed as not purchased because the bundle including them was on the Lightning Deals page (like I said, they do show as purchased now that the bundle isn't on that page anymore).


    Post edited by Taoz on
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