How to use genesis 2 models for genesis 3 models?

Hi is there any way to convert genesis 2 figures to genesis 3 figure usuing morphs or sth I worked about 1 month on one character and I don't wanna lose it so how to convert it to genesis 3 without modeling it again?


  • GLEGLE Posts: 52

    Tutorial! SicleYield is always a good source of information:

    Just substitute G1 with G2 and G2 with G3. Head shapes won't be transferred very well because G3 includes major updates to that section. For the same reason, remember the ERC freeze must be done in 2 passes (one for everything but the eyes, eyelids and squint with all the 3 options checked; the other for these regions only without Adjust orientation). Fine adjustments could be done after the transfer via G3 dials. You could also recreate the head to some extent if you decide to transfer its morphs too.

    The best approach is to take this challenge as an opportunity to improve your character, since the results will be pretty close, but not identical to the original.

  • Tnx I'll try that I wish there was a video tutorial and tnx for your tips I'll try to use them :)

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