How to choose 1024 x 1024 to 8192 x 8192?


I see variations of the following -

Textures Include:

97 Textures, Ambient Occlusion, Bump, Normal, Roughness, Specular, and Transparency Maps (1024 x 1024 to 8192 x 8192)

on a lot of my assets and I believe that refers to the resolution of them so I can make them more or less detailed depending on the resolution I choose but I feel I'm missing something as I can't work out how to change it. The textures that come with them are normally 4096 x 4096 and there aren't any others that I can see either installed in my library or listed in the file list on the store so I'm obviously missing some setting that I can change to raise or lower the resolution?

I'm using as an example.

Any guidance on where I should be looking would be much appreciated or if I've misunderstood what this means an explanation would be great :-)


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,386
    edited September 16

    That line simply means that the smallest maps inluded are 1024x1024 and the biggest ones are 8192x8192, not that the product offers various resolutions options and all maps are offered in each dimension.

    Post edited by Leana on
  • EljaycoEljayco Posts: 23

    Oh okay, thanks for answering.

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