Maya Human ik problems with genesis 3

Hi guys today I just started defining skeleton in human ik I wrote a good script for assiging the joints but I've faced some problems so the first thing is lForearmBend and the right one gives error in human-ik it says:

The right arm doesn't seem to be parallel to the X axis.

The left arm doesn't seem to be parallel to the X axis.

So I tried a script which changes the joints orintation which is not good fixes the problem but joint's poses change The problem is if I don't fix the problem the arms will rotate out (instead of in I mean behind the character)When I use Ik controllers another problem is the fingers is there any way to add a join to the tip of the finger cause if not It won't work well you can try to see what I'm talking about and we want to adjust the bones manually it will take a lot of time is there any way to do this auto?tnx.


  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,906

    I wrote a tutorial about this, check it out -

    Usually what you need to do is just rotate the arm to make it straight. It always works for me.

    As for fingers, I never had problems with them so cant help there.

  • Tnx for the nice tutorial for fixing arm just select arm joints and run this code in mel:

    string $selJnt[] = `ls -sl -type joint`;for ($allJnts in $selJnt){float $get_jnt_rx = `getAttr ($allJnts + ".rx")`;float $get_jnt_ry = `getAttr ($allJnts + ".ry")`;float $get_jnt_rz = `getAttr ($allJnts + ".rz")`;setAttr ($allJnts + ".jointOrientX") $get_jnt_rx;setAttr ($allJnts + ".jointOrientY") $get_jnt_ry;setAttr ($allJnts + ".jointOrientZ") $get_jnt_rz;setAttr ($allJnts + ".rx") 0;setAttr ($allJnts + ".ry") 0;setAttr ($allJnts + ".rz") 0;}

    And about finger problems you mean you don't get sth like this:

  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,906

    Hey there, I think at some point once, I got this finger issue but I am not sure when and why.

    Are you exporting the figure as .fbx or .dae?

    If you are exporting as .fbx, try out .dae

    It usually gives me less trouble than .fbx.

  • I did export it in dae but the finger have still the bug as long as I remember for G2F and G2M it was also like this for me you sure you don't have any problem with that can you upload a photo of your setting and the fingers joints plz tnx.

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