PA Sale

Dear Published Artists,

I totally enjoyed and happily over-indulged in your sale. Thank you all very much!



  • I've cleared a solid chunk of of my wishlist and bought so many gorgeous new items. From me too, thank you to all the PAs who've taken part!

  • tsroemitsroemi Posts: 2,904

    For the most part, this was a lot of fun, thanks PAs for your great work!

  • DripDrip Posts: 1,206

    Many more than awesome surprises in the Golden Ticket items. Each and every one of them was more than worth it. Yes, I got them all, even the spider, even though I hate spiders!

  • Fae3DFae3D Posts: 2,642

    Yes, let me add my thanks to the chorus!  This sale has been amazing, I got so many things off my wishlist, and great deals on items that don't usually go on a steep sale.  I have a LOT of rendering to do now, LOL!

  • 3DSaga3DSaga Posts: 490

    I have really enjoyed this sale- so many super nice assets at the best prices I have seen. At 12 items, this is the smallest my wishlist has been (and there's one more day to go!) thanks to this sale. A huge thank you to the PAs!

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ...indeed, lots of great bargains which that helped clear a good portion of the wishlist out. (I think I have at least 75% of Stonemason's catalogue now, including items that were "vaulted").

    In particular, that 30 for 30 banner really was a nice gift and glad it stacked with other discounts, tokens and coupons. Almost made me feel like it was the "good old days".

  • I wrapped up things last night with one final cart. My wishlist is down to 15, all items less than two months old. It was a great sale and I bought a ton of stuff. Thanks, Daz and PAs!

  • Yes, this sale has been pretty nice.  I haven't spend this much since March Madness.  Also, some DO bundles are on sale for a nice price today.  Sadly, I used my 20% DO coupon yesterday without knowing about it.  The Thomas 9 Pro Bundle is baseline $30 if you have Daz Plus-a nice price if you're interested.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    I'll chime in my appreciation as well. This is the 1st one I've participated in for 2 or 3 years.

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