pre-paid Daz membership taken away!

in The Commons
So, Daz launched a new Daz membership tier today.
To my surprise, as I went to my membership tab, it now shows that I'm in "free tier" despite the fact that I have an ongoing annual membership.
Are the previous memberships just discotinued or is it a glitch in the new page?
This - it appears to work for some and not others, and will be looked at once the team are up.. thanks!
Yes, feel sick this morning. My Daz plus was paid up until January and now I'm a scrub.
It's a glitch, and Daz is aware. You will not lose your current membership.
Ah. Thanks for letting me know. Looking forward to the resolution.
You can check if the store is still considering you a Daz+ member by looking at the price of the Doorbuster (or any Daz+ item):
If it's $2.99, you're still a Daz+ member for the store even if the Membership Management page is looking at you with a snobish expression :monocle_emoji: (
) and telling you that you're just 'Daz Base' (I have that bug, not seing my correct status but I do see the price a Daz+ member has access to).
Membership management page is also incorrect for myself.
Also notice that there is now no option to turn on or off auto renew, unless it is due to me being on a quarterly sub before.
Also incorredt for me: I am a Daz + member (until 2026 or later) but I am said to be a Daz Base member and I have no personalised offer to upgrade my subscription to Daz Premier... But I am still a Daz + member since I get the Daz + prices. I am wairting for the upgrade offer to show up in my account to see if I upgrade or not. Because I can't upgrade even if I wanted to since it seems impossible to me to subscribe...
I think the position of the subscription indicator is wrongly located on the left of the page on the free tier base. I have just cancelled my subscription, once cancelled the 'keep plan' button or something like that appears on the middle section the DAZ+ part. It tells me the price and tier further up and when it expires, it only appeared when I rejected the offer to upgrade to premium and to keep on DAZ+
Thank you for the information, Marty3D.
Unfortuntely, I can't cancel my subscription because I bought several membership years in the past and the auto renewal was already cancelled. Anyway I am blocked and I will see what to do when Daz fixes the issues...
Had a look and can't find anyway to cancel my sub or anything the option is not there. All I know is it says that it expires at the end of November and that is it. If I click on the subscribe to Daz+ button on the information pages it just takes me to my sub management screen.
So are we all supposed to launch CS tickets or will our Daz+ perks reappear in our accounts at some time?
I've paid up until doomsday [or thereabouts with all the past membership sale promotions] and would like to continue receiving the perks I've paid for, thank you.
... found answer. Yes we are.
They should give us the Premier just because the screwed up by "tricking" us to believe the former DazPlus was cancelled!
Your forum profile is still that of a + member, a lot of people have had wrong information on their account page - fortunately they do seem to be geting the membership benefits (though things were confused for a while by the coupon codes being mixed up).
Same here, my DAZ+ was paid until December, now I'm a Base User :( Hope they will fix ix.....
Still the ame for me too,. I also hope they fix this issue soon.
It worked correctly for me for almost a whole day yeterday and, then I cancelled my Paypal subscription. Suddenly it flipped to Base even though sub was active till next month.
Store benefits seem to work proerly (discounts, freebies etc), but cannot see my Daz+ coupons anymore.
I don't see my Daz+ coupons either and I can't upgrade to Premier even if I want to (not sure though) since there is no Premier offer in my account. despite the banner. I also have the usual Daz + discounts but I find the problem very annoying.
They've improved the membership page. It now states the expiry in the correct tier and also has a re-enable subscription button next to it. Thanks for fixing that quickly.
Still no change for me...
Since it was the very same with me (membership page showed correct information until I cancelled my PayPal subscription), so that may be the common denominator.
No, never had Paypal. Could be different reasons for different accounts though.
Day 2 still not fixed for me. Seems like they launched a big change in customer membership options along with significant web front-end and back-end design at the same time, and are using us to help them test in production.
Me too... I've done the logging in and out rofl
Anyway, it's what we've all come to expect from them but we're still here so....
I can use my remaining $6 coupon on a Daz Original (which is the code that is usualy the PA code...) and am deciding if I want a Pug or a Corgi
My membership info is now showing as it should :-) Prepaid 'til doomsday [or thereabouts!] ;-)
Um, so then is the auto-renew now mandatory or not???
That could be really difficult for me in some cases, since I use a pre-paid card and need to be sure it's filled as I well as I mean it to be.
Can't use my phone to refill, but that's a personal choice due to some security issues with the phone...
Boy am I beginning to miss the old days, even without all this amazing new technology!!
The more I read on the subscription/membership page, the more like a gutt-punch some of this feels.
Sorry, I'm probably just not understanding this fully. But again, I would like to know, is the auto-renew now mandatory? Monthly??
AFAIK our prepaid membership runs its course. Afterwards it would go to a monthly subscription service. Hopefully if one buys a month and then cancels, then one would have a month's worth of benefits.
If one doesn't want an automatic renewal then be sure to cancel well before "5 days" prior {due to time differences etc}.
My page now states plainly when the subscription ends.
There is an auto-renew plan button.
I have "no" idea what happens if one clicks that so am not clicking it.
My membership page lists me as a DAZ+ member until next october. The Daz+ page wants me to join and does not show the current DAZ+ freebie of the week.
There are display issues for some people, which are gradually getting fixed. You should be seeing the correct, Daz+ pricing and the freebies are listed on the daily promo pages
Thanks, Catherine, for responding!
So, from now on, to be safe from having our cards tapped automatically every month, the procedure could be to pay for a month, then cancel it, and repeat this process every month. If that is not correct, please someone, correct me on that!
If I could do it that way, I could skip months, as well. (For example when I need to pay other larger bills). I've never owed money to anyone, but things are rougher for me as well these days, so I like this new approach).
Another point. $9.99 per month means two things:
The yearly price is now $119.88, a jump of almost $50 from the previous $70 per year - if I remember that price correctly. So it's been nearly doubled.
And there will be no more discount sale events offered from time to time, like 20 or 30% off a year's DAZ+ membership, for example.
Sad, but inevitable. With their huge sales every September, other sales during holidays, all on top of a worsening economy... it makes sense to me.
For my part, I'll cut corners where I need to. I'm just glad to have this amazing hobby! It has replaced my old TV addiction, and that's a very good thing:-)