Two questions about Nvidea Omniverse

in The Commons
Sorry to ask these questions here, I just can't get any answers elsewhere.
1) Can I export DAZ scenes, characters with poses and animations to Omniverse?
2) How do I get Omniverse?
- sorry, more than two questions:
2a) Is it an actual app or ist an in browser application?
2b) I've already tried to subscribe, but why do they want to know my job for using their app? How is that their buisness, for I cannot skip that question?
1) Can I export DAZ scenes, characters with poses and animations to Omniverse? Some of that yes it can, but as I've not used it, exactly what, I can't say.
2) How do I get Omniverse? Just serch for nVidia Omniverse and sign up for a nVidia account when prompted when you try and download it.
2a) Is it an actual app or ist an in browser application? Sort of, but not really. You'll have an nVidia created browser like app on your PC that you use to browse all the nVidia RTX 3D / Game / AI apps that you can download. There are a lot. The interface is clunky. The install and deinstall process for some of those apps is error prone (developer error, not user error). Omniverse is among the apps you'll see listed, so think of it as an app lauched by a bespoke nVidia browser (if you've used nVidia GEForce Experience you'll have an ideal what I mean). A tip: I have a RTX 4070 12GB and those apps absolutely hammer that card.
2b) I've already tried to subscribe, but why do they want to know my job for using their app? How is that their buisness, for I cannot skip that question? Just type N/A or how you plan to use it, i.e. hobby, or freelance artist, or.... Make up an LLC name. I don't know if it's required, those required questions usually have asterisks so it's going to force some text out of you too if it does. That is nVidia. It's not Google. It's not Facebook. It's not Microsoft. It's not a government. They are only gauging their development direction expenditures by asking those questions.