Google doesn't even want me visiting the DAZ forum

Google Sorry... We're sorry... ... but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now. See jQuery(document).ready( function($) { // change to forum search $('.search_mini_form') .attr('action', '/forums/search') .off('submit') .find('input[name="q"]') .attr('name', 'Search') .attr('placeholder', 'Search Forums') .off('keydown keyup keypress blur'); }); Mark Forums Viewed Change Picture Activity Daz 3D Forums > Profile > Activity Edit Profile Your Threads Your Posts Your Inbox Edit Profile WendyLuvsCatz About Username WendyLuvsCatz Joined July 2009 Visits 43,919 Last Active 8:00AM Roles Member Posts 38,087 " content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> Google Sorry... We're sorry... ... but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now. See Google Help for more information.
I get this message now every time trying the recent discussions search on iPad Safari
that one was actually looking at my posts but all along the same line
It is coming and going for all of us - ironically I just got it moving the thread to the Commons as it is not a Daz Studio application issue. Daz is aware and looking into it.
I also got this just now but switching off my VPN fixed it.
Apple, Firefox.
I've had that happen a few times tonight while browsing the forums from my phone too.
I had to start my PC as Safari AND Firefox now doing it and not letting me use the forum
am on Edge
(the browser and emotionally )
I actually was trying to move it to the commons too on Firefox when it happened, had checked new topic thinking I was in Recent Discussions
Not just the forums, if I try to access my account I get that message and my DIM is not working.
It just happened to me with no VPN.
none here either, at least on my iPad, I think Opera has one on my Win7, I use it occassionally
Every time I come to the store on my PC, Avast says it stopped a malicious something or other from the site. Been going on four or five days now.
Two Win10 machines, six browsers, VPN on and off - only Edge on one and with VPN off allows me to actually access the forums and store. It did show the Google message instead of order confirmation page. Hope this gets fixed somewhere before end of PC+ sale.
It happened to me also just now, the main daz page - no access - just that error message. Googling daz - finding a store page not the main one and I have access. So the problem is not at my end then? I don't need to worry about this? read that it can be damaged code at the pc but if it happened to more of us then it's at Daz end, right? so should be fixed soon hopefully. I have, believe it or not, no idea what vpn is or how to turn it off. My boyfriend who knows of tons of such things have gone to bed. But if they are working on it I just need to be patient and wait for it to be fixed I guess.
it's doing it on my PC on Edge now too
I actually check Lightning Deals every 3 hours then have a quick look at the forum so not really frequenting it all day
just looking for bargains
bit slim since PA sale ended admittedly
I hope they fix it soon. I can't even get to my cart to purchase anything.
I can't click on any packages to make a purchase
Been hit too, can't use DIM, can't see the site. Just now got through, though who knows how long. At least it isn't just me, though I'm still gonna run thorough malware searches.
Edit: it may not be just DAZ, getting it elsewhere too. No pattern though
Yes, it isn't every click/page load but it is affecting everyone to a degree - anything at our end that seems to get it working is probbaly just cooincidence and it may fail to work another time. Daz is working on the issue.
For a moment, I thought it was my PC. Whew
Won't let me into my wishlist.
Yeah, it's randomly interrupting things like clicking the Learn More button on the orange-banner message, and also interrupted things when I went to finish the purchase from checkout. Going freshly back to the Shopping-cart page shows the cart as empty, so the purchase did go through.
Same here. Good to know.
Looks like it may be tied to google analytics, but I'm not certain.
I'm glad they are aware and working on it. It is affecting my ability to brose the store.
Just had it a couple of times, seems to have eased up now ....
There's a bunch of stuff in my product library I did not order--and yet there is no order history for it. Did they suddenly give us stuff or is this part of the glitch.
Why is google gate keeping, anyway? >_>
Just checked my product library and there are some new unordered additions as well ...
Still a problem for me. Can see any products.
Happened to me as well, when I tried to access the DAZ+ page. It also happend on my wishlist page, although I was able to get to my account page.
Okay, so it's not just me. I thought I had some type of malware on my machine or something lol!